Who is watching PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL in the office of the PM?


hubert_a<<< Prime Minister and Minister of Finance the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham waves to the cheering crowd as he makes his way, with Members of Parliament, to Rawson Square on Wednesday, May 23, 2007. (By: Tim Aylen)

A string of sexually explicit links have now appeared on the official website representing the Office of the Prime Minister [OPM]. Bahamas Press confirmed early today the embarrassing matter will be addressed at the Cabinet meeting and an investigation will follow.

The string of codes posted at: http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/bahamasweb…256F000070584A near the bottom of the page confirms that someone in the OPM ventured into cyberspace within the office and has now caused links to appear stringing across the Prime Minister’s section of the website. The webpage publishes the address, contact numbers and duties assigned to Prime Minister of the Bahamas.

A computer engineer knowledgeable about websites confirmed to BP that the situation, “Looks like an iframe injection script running loose on their server. Probably due to some insecure folders. They need to fix those permissions and install MOD SEC before that spreads to all index pages.”

Bahamas Press wonders, however, who in the OPM could have been pleasuring themselves whilst at work and is now causing a national embarrassment. Our deep throat in the OPM confirmed this morning, “Whoever has done this, in what can only be described as an attempt to embarrass the Prime Minister and the country around the world, will certainly dealt with.”



  1. Despite my harsh attacks on HAI I must point out that with technological advances anyone in the area of the PMs office could use a wireless laptop and log onto his site.You would notice that when tourist come into our country they congregate in the front of banks and the HOA with laptops accessing the Internet.See TP I do not always attack HAI even though he deserves it.HAI has slashed the budget so nothing will be done to sanitize his web site.This man cannot even comfort the country in this our great hour of need.He could not even draw a crowd to the fair on Saturday past.He is wutless,wuthless but not guilty on checking out porn websites.However,since its his website he ought to have known so he is guilty of being an accessory.lolo lolo had you going there for awhile TP

  2. Maybe it was HAI himself watching porn while getting the budget together. Maybe the porn inspired him….after all they raping the country, right?

  3. @JR
    That is why the press is call WUTLESS!!! They give NO news unless its GIVEN to them. They investigate NOTHING and ask NO Questions. Wutless!!

    This sure as HELL is embarrassing.

    • All ZNS doing these days is walking up and down on beauty pageant stages. UP and down. UP and down looking like Santa Clause and his helpers in them white and gold clothes! They are a pathetic case for the word Journalist! They mussy name Journaless or Jungaless! The Muppet Show was in Full Cast this week at the Rain Forest Theatre. All this news in the country and they hosting beauty pageants and had it as news on the news for weeks! That when you’re bought out. SOLD OUT and as Senator K. Smith said, “MEDIOCRE”. GOD HELP US!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. Kevin, I went to the site and just like BP showed, it was still there. They must have fixed that recently because I checked around 1:30 and it was still there. My question to Media is do you think anyone will bother to give this any kind of press outside BP? If this were the States, that would be front page on the papers in the morning and on every newscast. I feel sorry for our country.

  5. Surprisingly after an email was sent to the OPM by us today, the issue has since been resolved. But no statement from the OPM as yet.

    Bahamas Press/editor

  6. After reading about the “pussy cat”on Bahamas Press some one in the prime minister’s office might have thought the “pussy cat”was oh so sweet and mouth watering and accidently inserted this on the prime minister’s web site.So Bahamas Press i placed the blame on you!!!LOL

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