A picture that tells a thousand words



Government House from left are Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert  ‘MOE’ Ingraham, Governor General His Excellency Arthur Hanna and Opposition Leader the Rt. Hon. Perry ‘Curly’ Christie. The Prime Minister and Opposition Leader were recently hosted to lunch at Government House with the Governor General. It is a practise of the GG to do this, in order to find out what is growing on in his government and advises the nation’s leadership accordingly. However for those who didn’t know, when Pindling’s Cabinet was having problems back in the 1980s Ingraham, Christie and the now GG was something of concern to him. Hanna resigned from the Pindling Cabinet, whilst Christie and Hubert were both fired. Now here today, they are all together again. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, a picture tells a thousand words.

Government House from left are Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert ‘MOE’ Ingraham, Governor General His Excellency Arthur Hanna and Opposition Leader the Rt. Hon. Perry ‘Curly’ Christie. The Prime Minister and Opposition Leader were recently hosted to lunch at Government House by the Governor General. It is a practise of the GG to do this, in order to find out what is gowing on in his government and advise the nation’s leadership accordingly. However for those who didn’t know, when Pindling’s Cabinet was having problems back in the 1980s Ingraham, Christie and the now GG was something of concern to him. Hanna resigned from the Pindling Cabinet whilst Christie and Hubert both were fired. Now here today, they are all together again. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, something to think about.


  1. Obama: Thanks for the additions with which I agree. I just ran out of patience. Ortland Bodie Junior is just pontificating like the rest of us. Will WE make the commitment to get off our “duffs” and demand that our voices be heard and listened to. Or do we continue to let the “powers that be” get away with deceit, lies and illegal acts? Show me where Change is Foreshadowed!

  2. In these hard economic time shouldn’t their be a suspension on Official’s traveling, bonuses/perks, foreign consultancy, overseas training, Hiring above a certain scale and red plate abuses. I am confused something seems wrong here in this land. To make matters worst, why is Orthland Bodie Jr. running for Prime Minister, his Cabinet appears to be a guava duff chef, an alarm company owner, a radical pastor from Freeport, someone who uses the name “Free Thinker”, a blind man who uses the name “JT” and a former jet ski owner and now park cleaner known as Bannister from Redland Acres. Are we serious! CHANGE IS FORSEEN!

  3. The Governor General needs to call these other two to his house for lunch every week. I am sure Arthur Hanna has some words of wisdom to impart. Perhaps he will tell them that they must put aside all political consideration and act in a bipartisan way for the good of the country. Perhaps he will tell them both to tell the whole truth about the seriousness of the economic turndown and begin to clearly articulate what the government can do and what it cannot do to alleviate this problem. Perhaps he will tell them to take the people into their confidence and let them know that without everyone’s cooperation the road to recovery will be even harder and longer. Perhaps he will tell them to begin immediately to formulate a National Unemployment Scheme so that, in the future, unemployed persons will have a little cushion to fall back on for a specific period of time. Perhaps he will tell them to educate the population about the value of puting away 10% of any earnings for a rainy day and for investments. Perhaps he could let them know that the bank policies of high borrowing rates and low interest rates are unfair and unjust. Perhaps he will suggest that all personal Bahamian credit card usage must be suspended for a period of time. Perhaps he will advise that it is folly to allow payroll deductions for purchases of goods. Perhaps he will say that because the civil service is so bloated with persons who are not qualified that all political patronage must be halted immediately and as soon as this crisis abates that non-productive persons will be let go. Perhaps he will insist that a national plan be put together that the agricultural sector be expanded and special incentives be given to increase the number of legitamite farmers in that industry. Perhaps he will say the regulations governing the planning department needs to be more strigently enforced and an investigation be started to see why inspectors are so easily allowing transgressions in the building code. And so on, and so, on….

  4. Well Muddos! That look just like a promotional poster for a heavyweight championship boxing fight. lol

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