Aaron “Kiki” Knowles lives in Nassau but is registered in polling division #6 in East End Grand Bahama?

Alfie Stubbs, the Ministry of Education contractor here in a ZNS interview protesting voters for FNM candidate Desmond "Jackass" Bannister in North Andros.

Aaron Kiki Knowles

What is good for the goose, must be good for his gander – FNM Hypocrisy EXPOSED!!!

Breaking News coming into Bahamas Press confirms the speechwriter and political advisor for Hubert Ingraham has been caught red handed.

Now get this, just this past Tuesday Hubert Ingraham went on the stage at a rally to once again intimidate voters in North Andros.

The Prime Minister named one of the persons brought to court by Desmond “Jackass” Bannister, claiming the voter had registered in the constituency where he did not reside.

But, according to the register produced by the Parliamentary Commissioner, the man who wrote that attack line in Ingraham’s speech, Aaron ‘Kiki’ Knowles, is guilty of the same charge. Get this!

Knowles has a home in Grand Bahama and, according to records produced for us by the Parliamentary Commissioner’s office, is listed as a registered voter in polling division number 6 of East End Grand Bahama Constituency.

But what is interesting is this: like the man hauled to court in North Andros, Knowles lives on Farrington Road in an apartment next to the PLP’s headquarters. That’s where he lives!

Further, Knowles is the speechwriter and advisor to Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham. Additionally, he is a regular at the McDonald’s breakfast bunch that gathers in Oakes Field every morning.

After being the BIGLEAKER on Ministry of Education officials in a local tabloid, turned JACKASS running for the FNM in North Andros as he now haul FNMs to court.

Just last evening in Mr. Ingraham’s text at a rally in Yamacraw, the Prime Minister read, “We are working hard to regularize and clean up the Register of Voters.  The PLP don’t like this.  They prefer a system of confusion so they can move people around to vote where they don’t regularly reside.”

But the man writing that line lives here in Nassau and does not reside, live or work in Grand Bahama.

What makes the man in Andros different from Hubert Ingraham’s writer?

Someone please tell BP!

Meanwhile, we are following up the background on one of the men protesting voters in North Andros.

One of the accusers is FNM goon Alfie Stubbs who lives in Lowe Sound, Polling Division 2.

Bahamas Press
has uncovered that Stubbs is a recipient of almost 90% of the contracts for Lowe Sound Primary School.  Contracts approved by Desmond Bannister’s ministry!


We also know he was the contractor who was awarded the painting contract for the C. R Walker High School.

He was one of the persons involved in the demolition of the Lowe Sound Primary School.

Here is the news you will never find in the WUTLESS MEDIA!

We report Yinner Decide!