Acting PS Rhoda Jackson to be removed from Foreign Affairs after her scolding of Haitian Officials on Shantytown interference…


DA WUTLESS MINNIS REGIME HAS SENT A career diplomat to the back of the pile – after she shutdown spending and ordered Haitian Officials to cease interference in Bahamian domestic affairs!

H.E. Rhoda Jackson

Nassau – Breaking news coming into Bahamas Press now confirms the Minnis Government has instructed the removal of former Ambassador and acting PS Rhoda Jackson out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and into the Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture aka Siberia.

The move comes just days after Ms Jackson, in a strong defense for the Bahamas, summons the Haitian Embassy officials after their interference in a domestic dispute.

A morning daily presented quotes from Haitian Embassy First Assistant Secretary Karl Henri Chatelier, who stated on a ZNS program that the August 10 eviction deadline given by the Bahamas government for shantytown residents to vacate land was too soon and that relocations will take more time.

Chatelier also went into detail about how the government should handle the matter.

Rhoda M. Jackson spoke frankly and deliberately to Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy Francois Michel, indicating that the public statements attributed to Chatelier “warranted the gravest concern of the Bahamian government, particularly as the position of the Haitian government, as reported in his name, gave the Bahamian government a sense of external interference in its domestic affairs”.

But BP is now learning that a decision by the Minnis WUTLESS Cabinet, perhaps in response, has now removed Acting-PS Jackson from her post and, effective this coming Thursday, she is to report to the Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture. Well, what is dis? A career diplomate sent to pasture in the Siberians mountains!

Jackson is a longtime mission representative of the Foreign Service. She is competent, articulate, and globally respected and knowledgeable professional who has mastered world affairs and matters connected thereto. In her last mission she worked as the appointed Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva. She was the Bahamian on the frontline, protecting the Bahamas against the forces of global banking blacklistings and EU compliance decisions. What in the hell is the Minnis Government doing?

We are now learning that, Jack “SPRAT” Thompson former PS to the OPM and who was indeed headed to Youths Sports and Culture, the same PS who jacked-up the PM up on Oban, will now be heading to Foreign Affairs as the new posted PS. Well what is this!

PM Minnis have you lost your damn mind? What are you dealing with here?! Now watch you get “cuss-out” in the road over this!

Who will defend the Bahamas for Bahamians?

We report yinner decide!