Alice Town fire truck torched and fire shed distroyed in early morning arson attack on Bimini


Fire destroys BIMINI only fire truck – URBAN RENEWAL MUST HEAD TO BIMINI!

Fire Truck burnt to a shell early this morning.

Alice Town, Bimini — Bahamas press is reporting an early morning fire at the fire station on Bimini has completely destroyed the new fire truck in Alice Town.

BP live reports from the community confirms a team of police investigators landed on the island just after 7am, to begin initial investigations on th

e blaze. We can also report a team of defense force officers are headed to the island.

BP reports the fire shed attached to The Alice Town Police Station was also caught after the new fire engine erupted into flames around 4:40am this morning.

BP team on the ground also confirms B.E.C personnel along with on duty police officers and volunteers were able to put the blaze out before the Main Station building and Administrative complex were caught. The fire is now out and there are no injuries reported at this time.

This is not the first incident where this location has come under attack. Readers would remember back in December 2007 a near riot situation on the island erupted at the same complex, forcing officers to barricade themselves into the station as residents attacked the barracks following a police shooting.

Police vehicles were torched and the station pelted by protesters in that incident.

Following the incident then former Prime Minister Ingraham responded calling the turn of events “deeply troubling and unacceptable.”

In April 2011 a violent fire on the island destroyed two houses and damaged three others leaving five families (sixteen people) homeless.  When a question was put, “What happened to the fire truck?,” the country found out the island had a truck, but was unable to start.

Following that incident, a new truck came to the island to assists in future disasters. Now this.

What could we say? Some people are their own worse enemy!

We report yinner decide!