Sources confirm Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt must be removed as Chief Magistrate – Justice is not blind in the Bahamas – IT IS COCKEYED!

Magistrates and courts could shutdown if new appointment is not rescinded! No Deputy Chief Magistrate APPOINTED!!! The Junior become the most senior overnight – WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS???!!!
Nassau, Bahamas — News has come that magistrates are now considering a mass sick out subsequent to the confirmation of the “FNM chosen vessel,” Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt.
The issue arose some months ago during interviews for the position by the judicial and legal services commission. Everyone knew that after the departure of the former Chief magistrate Roger Gomez and Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethel that Guillimina Archer was the best person for the job as she was already appointed as the only senior magistrate and had the respect of all of her colleagues.
But a plan created by the former PM Hubert Ingraham and Chief Justice Michael Barnett to have one of their own overuled the natural selection of Archer.
There have already been reports levied against Mrs. Ferguson-Pratt such as: She is rude to staff and she never begins her court on time. One magistrate staff worker reported her bursting into her office without knocking and began like a jungaliss spewing orders! And guess what? She, Ferguson Pratt, is the most junior of all magistrates, and yet she was given the job as a political pawn of the wicked FNM.
Reports have also surfaced that she intends on running the court without a Deputy Chief Magistrate as she wants all administrative powers around the court in order to bully persons. What a ‘vicked’ and damnable plan!
We remind the public that there are very competent magistrates such as: Helen Jones, Carolyn Vogt-Evans, Sabu Swain and Debbie Ferguson, all of whom are eminently qualified to assume the top post.
The new administration must question its dropping of the ball in this matter, which could derail its aggressive plans to deliver swift justice to the country. Perhaps this move is to completely bind the courts by allowing hardcore FNM’s to dictate the course of Justice in the Bahamas!
A noted member of the bench added, “We are asking for her to be removed immediately and, if not – then sad will be the cry!”
BP is predicting a revolt could be imminent by other magistrates who we are told want JUSTICE!!!! WHAT IN THE HELL IS DIS?!
BP encourages them to stand up firmly for their rights!!!!!
Tomorrow there will be the release of some hot hot hot news of a “senior magistrate” who, while in the course of her work, was suspended for misappropriation of funds and, yet, has still been elevated by this government!