Another Prisoner released Central Polce and the Barefoot Bandit spit on Bahamian law…


By Gems Bahamas

Nassau, Bahamas — Police have launched an active investigation, into an apparent mix up, which caused a prisoner to be released from police custody.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Marvin Dames says he is demanding answers after Raphael Neymour was wrongfully released by officers of the central police station.

Neymour had appeared in Magistrates Court #5 for on an attempted murder charge, Wednesday. The matter was discharged by the Magistrate and when Neymour was returned to Central Police Station he was released.

The problem is Neymour still had pending criminal charges against him and was supposed to be kept in custody. After realizing this, the police issued an all points bulletin for Neymour.

Sometime around 5:00 pm, acting on information, officers were in the area of Hay Street when they observed a alone occupant, fitting the Neymour’s description driving a grey color maxima vehicle.

A chase ensued which ended in a collision at East Street and Ross Corner. It is reported that the suspect’s vehicle collided into the rear of a large delivery truck.

It is further reported that the suspect attempted to flee the area on foot, however, he was pursued and arrested by police officers with the assistance of a member of the public.

Neymour was not armed at the time but his vehicle received extensive damage to the front section; however, no damage or injury occurred to the truck and its driver.

The Deputy Commissioner of Police is leading an intensive investigation into this matter, to determine the circumstances surrounding Neymour’s release from lawful custody.