Back in the Saddle…



<<< Sharon Turner holding her camera whilst Hubert talks to the press. MY MY SOME PEOPLE HAVE NO SHAME!

So now Bahamas Press has made a new observation. In order to confuse and trick the Bahamian people, Bahamas Information Services is letting Peter Ramsay shoot pictures of Prime Minister, Hubert Ingraham, at the airport upon his departure to various destinations. Everyone then assumes Peter Ramsay is taking the trip like what he is suppose to do, but instead Ramsay jumps in his little jeep and heads to Adelaide where he lives. The PM then boards the flight to go to his destination with his entourage INCLUSIVE OF SHARON WILLIAMS-TURNER, the deputy director of Bahamas Information Services.

Curiously and cleverly, Sharon Turner is never in any of Peter Ramsay’s airport pictures. But then BANG, just when the Bahamian people thinks she is behaving herself and doing what she is paid to do at BIS, her byline appears on photos taken abroad. Bahamas Press has to stop hinting around and get straight to the point and ask, “MR TURNER!!!! Are you asleep!!!! Don’t you find your wife’s behaviour suspicious???!!! Are you that sprung that you cant see what’s going on??!!” And as far as Delores Ingraham is concerned, we don’t think this good, decent woman really cares. Despite the suspicions of Bahamas Press and the Bahamian public, this nonsense with these two people continues. The boldness of these two!!!

AGAIN BP asks the question, “Why in the heck does the deputy director of Bahamas Information Services have to follow the Prime Minister around the world taking pictures, which is a job assigned to someone else?????” We will stop running these articles when someone writes in a SENSIBLE and ACCEPTABLE explanation for this.come-ingraham1

To note that something is not right with them, Ingraham tried to pass Turner off as his wife’s niece at the onset of things. No one bought this, especially when people observed her being chauffeur driven around town by his Security and Intelligence Branch (SIB) bodyguards who are paid by this country to guard HIM. Also when she was the press officer for the FNM prior to the party winning the election in 2007, why didn’t she stay at his house since she is wife’s niece? Whenever she came in town she stayed at hotels booked by INGRAHAM. Who do these people think they are fooling?? Certainly not the people of this country!! We have long passed the days when we can be tricked and fooled by politicians or cunning little johnny-come-lately girls who are here on a mission to TAKE ALL THEY CAN GET AT THE EXPENSE OF EVERYONE WHO COMES IN THEIR WAY!!!

We are paying this lil gal’s salary and the most she can do is stay in office and DO WHAT SHE IS PAID FOR and let Ramsay do what he is being paid for. Instead she is at BIS oppressing those who she feels are non-Ingraham supporters and trekking the globe behind him. And, the FNM has the nerve to talk about the PLP blowing money?


Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham and a delegation left Nassau on Thursday for the 5th Summit of the Americas to be held in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago from April 17-19.   Pictured from left is Senior Policy Advisor, Office of The Prime Minister, M. Teresa Butler; Minister of National Security, the Hon. Tommy Turnquest; Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham; Minister of State for Finance, the Hon. Zhivargo Laing; Cabinet Secretary, Anita Bernard and Commissioner of Police, Reginald Ferguson.  (BIS photo/Peter Ramsay).


  1. why Peter RAMSEY not been able to travel with HAI and be the offical photographer as he been paid for.

  2. ST: I am very happy you decided to participate after I made my comment. Judging from what you had to say there is no way anyone could possibly think you are politically motivated. You come across as a woman of intelligence and integrity. Your comments were very informative and I was even able to learn something from them. I know there are some people on this site that can only live and breathe politics, its not that way with me. For me its all about having morals and wanting to do what is right. Sweethearting is a social problem and it is something that should be addressed more frequently. This is the main reason why most marriages are not lasting and the cause for so many single parent homes in our society. I am just tired of seeing effects of this type of lifestyle. Maybe the topic did trigger me to comment about sweet hearting and I am glad it did because there are people from all levels in our country engaging in this practice and if talking about it discourages at least one person that would mean so much to me. I will never regret talking about this.

  3. Kim, If it were not for your comment, I would not have commented (I lurk mostly). Your comment is a reflection of the fact that there are good women like us out there. I am am not apologising for my comment and neither should you because we generalized on the subject and did not refer to the persons mentioned as an example. I just made that last comment as a disclaimer on my reasons for commenting because I don’t comment on politics although the matter we commented on had to do with persons in that arena.

  4. Well, I was just talking about sweethearting in general and if I stepped on anybody’s toes, it just too bad. That is something that just should not be encouraged.

  5. Please take note that I wrote in comment #9 that my comments are not related to the situation at hand. I am not Bahamian and so have no right to speculate about anything concerning the politics of its people and those governing them, but I wanted to respond to a very sobering and important aspect of how women on a whole should value themselves.

  6. The old saying ” noone knows what goes on behind close doors” am all about issues, we have too many problems in our country to be distracted.The other paper “The ?UNCH” is famous for this stuff, we dont need to travel these road let’s make the difference and work on solutions for the problems we are facing……..

  7. Media,

    You have some serious bloggers. How in the world they ‘connect” or infer that two people traveling together engage in extramarital affairs? Are they thinking before posting? Anyone thinking about how these comments could lead to trouble or one could be sued, is beyond me.

  8. bahngr :BP you need to check if Mr. Major, the Long Island pooftah is still travelling behind Zhivargo Laing.
    And dat mussee one helluva party cuz Teresa is always there too!!!

    So Bahngr you opened my eyes to something just now. Teresa was also said to be “special” to Ingraham…..soooo if small waist and Teresa on the same trips….well….that sure as heck is ONE big party….lol

  9. A lot of women are finding themselves in these sweethearting situations because they are too materialistic, they want impress their friends ya see, I refuse to sacrifice my body to impress anyone. I going to work for what I want, I don’t need no low life to come up in my house and take no toilet back from me, because they buy it. Hell no!!!!

  10. Women should think HPV. Just ONE of the hundred different type is responsible for 90 something percentage of cervical cancer.

  11. ST What you are saying is so true. With all these diseases about the place, I don’t see why people would still be creeping around. The thing about it when these people pickup these sickness, they go right home and infect their spouses as well. You would think after people heard about all these different sexually transmitted diseases they would stop. It’s like some people finds it exciting when they are taking chances with their lives.

  12. Amen Kim, many women feel that they are not responsible for being with a married man, but they are an accessory to his act of adultery and the bible did say that what God has put together let no man put apart. Yes the man is responsible for his putrid behavior, but like any other crime whoever helps him is an acessory to it. Most women only care about milking these men for “stuff”, not realizing that those stuff belong to his family. Even if the man is wealthy, he is investing in something that is not going to add up to any long term returns. A marital relationship is like a house, so awesome at first.Then because of the rigors of everyday life you realized you needed a new paint job, or if there are structural damages you may need to replace some areas. One thing you must never do is keep that house and get a new one to “sleep” in sometimes because god knows who or how many had “used” this new house before you, it will burn your pockets, and you have no guaratees that you are the only one “using” that extra house.

  13. ST :I do not know you Kim, but what you have said right here speaks volume, you are a good person and many people if they thought about things this way, there would not be so many broken families. The point I would like to make is this: If a man is unfaithful to his wife, and a woman puts herself with such a man, the basis for such a relationship is built on deception, disloyalty, and lust. Now any two people that continues with the perception that in the end it will work out fine for them, will get their wake up call.If such a man and woman eventually ends up together, how could they ever be happy, or trust each other, would God bless such a union? Think again! I am not making this comment because of the above situation, I too hope it is just a coincident, I am nuetral where politics is concerned.

    Yeah ST sweet hearting should not be encouraged. Sometimes, people sweetheart for the most stupid reason. I remember one time when I used to work for this company and they had asked me to bake some pastries for the company Christmas party. Well, everybody was talking about how good the pastries were and I did not mind that, because I know I could handle myself. Well, it was not until I got this call on my extension from a manager, talking about he wish I could bake something for him personally and how is wife can’t cook and he want know what I doing after work. I told him straight and plain, I believe he got his people mix up, because one thing I don’t do is crawl around with other people’s man. Notice I did not say husband. You don’t have to be married, once I know you in a relationship I am not playing that. I don’t want nobody fool with nothing what is mines, so I don’t fool with other people things. The nerve of this man, he thinks I must go dirty myself with him because his wife can’t cook. What the hell I look like? If his wife can’t cook then all he have to do is let his sisters, aunties, cousins, ma or whoever training her. That’s no reason to go lay up in someone else’s bed. These people need to stop their foolishness. I love this gift God have given me and I refuse to allow anyone to use it for their filthy pleasure.

  14. BP you need to check if Mr. Major, the Long Island pooftah is still travelling behind Zhivargo Laing.

    And dat mussee one helluva party cuz Teresa is always there too!!!

  15. I do not know you Kim, but what you have said right here speaks volume, you are a good person and many people if they thought about things this way, there would not be so many broken families. The point I would like to make is this: If a man is unfaithful to his wife, and a woman puts herself with such a man, the basis for such a relationship is built on deception, disloyalty, and lust. Now any two people that continues with the perception that in the end it will work out fine for them, will get their wake up call.If such a man and woman eventually ends up together, how could they ever be happy, or trust each other, would God bless such a union? Think again! I am not making this comment because of the above situation, I too hope it is just a coincident, I am nuetral where politics is concerned.

  16. This thing with Ingraham and this Sharon Turner girl, I don’t know if there any truth behind it, everything between them might just be a coincident Anyway, people in general needs to stop with all this sweethearting in this country. Why would you want touch and sneak around with someone else’s property? If someone is having problems in there marriage you should encourage that person to talk with their mate and work on their marriage, instead of taking advantage of their vulnerability and adding problems on top of problems. When the woman/man goes home to their spouse, the spouse there blaming themselves and trying to figure out what they are doing wrong, because they don’t understand why their mate ain’t into nothing, come to find out someone else already handle things for them. That’s not right! All sweethearting does is destroy families. Please don’t engage in this type of lifestyle.

  17. Not this gal again!!! I hope the PLP is making notes and remembering all this nonsense so when its election machine cranks up it has some serious ammunition.

    Truthfully I dont really like Ingraham but I thought he was smarter than that. He is obviously using his smaller head for judgement. You all think he realize yet that BP is on the INTERNET and ANYONE in the world can see these stories?? He obviously dont care!!
    You would figure that a smart leader would distance himself from this girl after all of this, but yet he persists.

  18. @JR
    But Jr didn’t we produce the email between her and the Guardian when Obie Wilchcombe was outside the police station. Notice no one said a word. NOT A WORD! But we had the goods on her then, but anyway people will soon know what they dealing with.

    Bahamas Press/editor

  19. BP, i done tell you you number one so don’t be surprised. LOL. Man I meant to ask you if you saw that lil piss tail gal was also writing stories too. The Guardian published one of her stories from Trinidad and gave her full credit. Now you know normally they leave out the byline when its a BIS story but not this time. I wonder when are they going to learn.

  20. Bahamas Press has to stop hinting around and get straight to the point and ask, “MR TURNER!!!! Are you asleep!!!! Don’t you find your wife’s behaviour suspicious???!!! Are you that sprung that you cant see what’s going on??!!” And as far as Delores Ingraham is concerned, we don’t think this good, decent woman really cares. Despite the suspicions of Bahamas Press and the Bahamian public, this nonsense with these two people continues. The boldness of these two!!!

    Boy BP you is trouble. LOL.

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