Bahamas Breakdown in Labour Relations



Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes.

Minister of Labour and Social Development Dion Foulkes has intervened in the Morton Salt Companies Labour Dispute. Min. Foulkes this morning (August 11, 2008) met with Morton Salt Executives from Chicago Illinois and Misters Glen Bannister, Resident General-Manager, and Oscar Johnson, Jr. the Attorney for Morton Salt, to discuss the current impasse between the company and the union. Mr. Foulkes is leading a delegation to Inagua today to continue discussions with executives of the Union and their legal counsel Mr. Obie Ferguson

Minister Foulkes has urged both parties to exercise restraint during this “very delicate period of negotiations.” He was accompanied to Inagua by the Acting Director of Labour Mrs. Josephine Bennons and Mr. Charles Hunt, Labour Consultant.


  1. This a WUTLESS govt for true. How can the Minister of LABOUR be left out of such negotiations. Only a dictator would make a decision like that. Hubiggety Cabinet soon rise up against him. He better stop playing.

  2. Foulkes was seen laughing at Laing today on ZNS. LOL! All he mussy was saying is DAS GOOD FA HIM!

  3. Err….question….where was the Minister of Labour yesterday when the BTC truck “broke down” on Bay Street and all hell broke loose? Was he suppose to meet Tommy there and change his mind when he saw the crowd?

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