Bahamas now voting with China and North Korea, Thanks MUGABE THANKS!



Nassau, BahamasThe war of words erupted between the American Ambassador and The Bahamas Government comes as no surprise to Bahamas Press.

Recently, in a vote at the United Nations condemning human rights issues in Iran, North Korea and Burma, the Bahamas obtained. Surprisingly, it did not side with the West this time around.

“Mr. Chairman, The Bahamas, is reassessing the consideration of the issue of human rights by this committee, [and] is not entirely convinced that country specific resolution, no matter how egregious the situation, will engage the countries in question in meaningful dialogue with a view to improving the situation,” said The Bahamas in its response to the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee.

nicoleavantgov_1American Ambassador Nicole Avant sharply rebuked The Bahamas for its decision to abstain adding, “We cannot stand by and wait when people’s lives are at stake and the principals that we all purport to sharerespect for DEMOCRACY, the rule of law and HUMAN RIGHTSare in jeopardy.”

Bahamas Press supports the statements conveyed by the American Ambassador and also condemns this WUTLESS HEARTLESS UNCARING MUGABE STYLE GOVERNMENT’S POSITION ON HUMAN RIGHTS.

Bahamas Press was the first to identify this brutal HOUSE OF PAIN Hubert Ingraham’s government is now administering on its own citizens. From mysterious deaths in Bahamian prison cells to the horrific jail hanging a teenager at a cell in the south, our once beloved country has become a model for Kim Jong-il to follow.

Madam Ambassador today the Bahamas is being led down a dark dungeon of harsh injustices upon its own. Creeping withvickedmen dressed in pinstriped parliamentary suits, clayed with greedy lusts to cripple, maimed and torture its own. We all have seen the violent slaughter of our citizens with an almost deafening response to crime, and we have seen right here in our own State a WUTLESS government aiding the abuse of scores of children molested by a clandestine pack of pedophile lovers. We saw a former minister, now Chairman of Mugabe’s party, aided the escape from JUSTICE that pedophile forfeiting JUSTICE for the Children of Eight Mile Rock High Grand Bahama.hubert-jpg

Added to this. Bahamians have witnessed the complete censure of the Internet and the blocking of websites from audiences right here in the country. Like North Korea and China the Ingraham led government have abused human rights of Bahamians like an iron claw throughout the government service.

Yes, the HOUSE OF PAIN in the most UNDEMOCRATE FASHION, has terminated thousands without letters stating genuine reasoning and has caused public servants to witness person after person a bludgeoning blow out of members of the police force, immigration officers, teachers, workers at BEC, BTC and at the National Insurance with their most recent undemocratic firings coming at the Customs Department.

Like Robert Mugabe and Kim Jong-il, Ingraham has pressured independent radio stations like cartel gangsters, forcing them to remove hosts and guests off private networks. They have muzzled and censured private stations and at its most recent FNM Convention 2009, used its goons to block and eject reporters and commentators out of the Crystal Palace Convention centre. They withheld convention addresses from members of the press while telling members of private stations what to wear, what to say and when to say it. This happened in 2009 in The Bahamas.

The Ingraham government’s STOP, REVIEW AND CANCELLATION policy has disrupted the lives of many in the Bahamas. Millions in contracts for capital development had cut off the lifeline of thousands of decent hardworking residents and have left hundreds more businesses and business owners swimming in a sea of debt.

barnettmichael2While all this transpired, the Ingraham Government has found new friends with Chinese Banks adapting its ways of mistreatment and abuse against its own. His [Ingraham] counterparts in China and in North Korea agree with such cruel actions and support his newfound UN voting practices.

And therefore, we are not surprise of the Bahamasnew voting treads at the United Nations on committees battling human rights. The Bahamas is guilty of committing such acts against its own. We expect no better from a government who has slaughtered its own in ways that are beyond humane, holding a snickering grin of contempt with its bias FNM BIGWIGS now heading up the Judiciary of The Bahamas.

We are happy. However, to see the Americans have caught on to this turning trend and to our BIG neighbour to the north we cry loudly, HELP! Save the Bahamas from the brutal attacks of MUGABE!



  1. Um i dont know the real facts but BahamasPress is sending the wrong message…. You mean to tell me what US of A says go?…. OH NO!…..Yal Bahamains quick to say OBAMA FOR BAHAMA but yet when US fix CUBA … dog eat all of our LUNCH. From my understanding thus far A few of the Caribbean countries VOTED with China and N. korea.

    • If wrong is bring committed I dont expect no more from you as you are clueless when it comes to foreign affairs.We were wrong and must apologise to the Bahamian people.Like I said the Chineses twisted our arm and we said ouch and yes massah.Fred Mitchell was wrtong for trying to defend this asinine stance and any other who defends it deserve to have their heads examined.

  2. I think the Bahamas has as much right to abstain from voting if its interest conflict with the resolution. The U.S. abstains on every vote condemning the Israelis of Human rights violations. I am very concerned about China’s record on human rights and its activities in Africa and the Caribbean, but the Obama administration refused to even meet with the Dali lama because China had a problem with it. Ms Avant should keep her nose out our business if she can’t condemn her own government first when it is wrong.

  3. i told you so is all i can say since our Govt is similar to those whom it cannot vote against.I now question if the many projects being undertaken by the Chineses in our country has anything to do with our abstension.Like the Ministyer of Foreign affairs said weeks ago,we are due for a trav el advisory by the USA very soon.Obviously before the Ambassador spoke the Foreign Affairs Minitry had been warned.Birds of  a feather flock together.

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