Bahamasair in Maderia held up by robbers


The Bahamas is quickly descending to a modern day Dodge City. Bahamas Press can report a daylight heist in the Maderia Street section of Palmdale this afternoon proved good for thieves as they held up Bahamasair’s sales office in the area.

Thieves passed the bank in the plaza and held up staff and patrons ordering them to the floor as the robbers made good with an undisclosed amount of cash. Nassau is under siege by daylight bandits, yet Tommy Turnquest says he knows where the criminals are and that Nassau is safe. BOY I TELL YA, when ya dumb ya dangerous!

A few weeks ago thieves ransacked the country’s Passport offices, which houses the documents and sensitive information of every Bahamian passport holder. Sources tell BP the bandits got away with some $7,500 in cash and took the department’s vehicle.

BP can confirm Protech Security company is hired to secure the facility but failed to protect one of the nation’s most sensitive areas, which is also just a stone’s throwaways from the RBPF COLLEGE.



  1. In reference to the comment that Pro-Tech Security was responsible for securing the passport office….it would be only fair to confirm exactly what Pro-Tech Security was responsible for before printing false information.

    • We at BP have no difficulty publishing their agreement with the PassPort office Nyoka. Would you like for us to do that?


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