Banker, Lawyer, Bank… Are they too cozy for comfort?


frist-caribbean-bBahamas Press has been alerted by worried businesspersons that the connection between banker, Carolyn Roberts and lawyer, Sterling Quant, as it relates to FirstCaribbean Bank is a little too cozy for clients having to deal with both professionals and the banking institution.

Bahamas Press can reveal that the unsavory at-best relationship between Roberts and Quant as it relates to businesspersons having to deal with both persons in their capacities and First Caribbean Bank dates at least as far back as the late 1990’s to early 2000’s when Quant in his capacity as Registrar-General of The Bahamas, approved an unethical at-best transaction causing owner of Palms of Love Beach Condominums, John William Lefler, to be swindled out of his property by way of money loaned to notorious, rip and run, disgraced lawyer, Andrew Bowe, et al; by First Caribbean Bank—based on fraudulent debentures! Lefler won the case and Bowe, et al; finally saw what justice was like for those who are Defendants. That was then and here is now…

Bahamas Press has been informed that Quant, back in his deserved position as a lowly, and waiting-for-his-next-victim lawyer and banker Carolyn Roberts, conspired to cause a wealthy client’s account to be invaded based on a Company Resolution done by Quant for relatives of the client, whom during that time was too ill to conduct the vast business commitments in place before sickness came.

The crookedness of Quant as a lawyer and the concern that should be raised is that he did this Company Resolution for a company that he was not the lawyer retained! The crookedness of banker, Carolyn Roberts, shows up in her position at First Caribbean Bank on Shirley Street. Of course, Bahamas Press won’t even bother to mention the term ‘due diligence’. That term would be the last two words that Quant or Roberts would want to hear about—especially when a ‘rip’ in-progress is approaching the crooked light at the end of a crooked tunnel.


  1. This is a truly unfortunate situation and it’s a shame that stronger measures haven’t been taken against Quant yet. A reliable banking system is much needed for the economic growth of the Bahamas.

  2. media :
    @the truth
    Truth then tell us where she was since you know? Then we would further explain her involvement. Remember this is the website where Carl Bethel’s son became famous! Don’t question what we post here unless you can refute what we say with FACTS!

    Media, I had heard a while back that Quant was dirty but you do have to respond to what “the truth” is asking for differently. If Roberts is involved in Quant’s dirtiness, then expose it through your evidence or connect the dots in a way that is indisputable. Otherwise, you’ll have people making claims like “the truth” made. If there was something in how the story that you wrote may have given the impression that this woman was at the bank when she wasn’t, then point it out and lets move on to chapter two.

    Like I said earlier, the talk around town has long been that Quant was a little shady, so I’m more inclined to take your word for it. Other people may not so clear up the story so we can get to the next chapter because I know there is a part two.

  3. @the truth
    Truth then tell us where she was since you know? Then we would further explain her involvement. Remember this is the website where Carl Bethel’s son became famous! Don’t question what we post here unless you can refute what we say with FACTS!


  4. @kevin mckenzie
    I catch GNN too. But I hadn’t heard that the baby had already been molested and was then released her to her family? What the hell is going on? Aren’t the hospitals supposed to inform social services about issues such as this? Everyone is asleep at the wheel and a baby is dead. I also heard that the grandfather is the guilty party. Has he been questioned or detained?

  5. BP please confirm your information before releasing it to the public. It is so sad to see someone’s name being slandered for no good reason. I do not know how Carolyn Roberts could have been involved in the claims presented as she was not even employed at CIBC now FirstCaribbean Bank in 1999! Please, please explain. You have boldly accused her IN PRINT of something that she could not even have done. SHAME ON YOU!

  6. According to the GHETTO NEWS NETWORK the 5 month old baby was admitted and treated for a sexually transmitted disease in her mouth a month ago.By law the infant SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN RELEASED AND THE POLICE MUST BE NOTIFY,SADLY THESE LAWS WERE NOT FOLLOWED.The GNN further state that the GRANDFATHER IS THE ALLEGED MOLESTER.

  7. kevin mckenzie :Bahamas Press you are like John The Baptist a voice crying in the wilderness.Only after a baby was molested to death that we have the so call Christian Council and others screaming for justice.Well i have news for them when you allow minors to die in police custody,persons in authority to steal crown land and resell them for millions of dollars,ANDRE BIRBAL TO RAPE NUMEROUS SCHOOLBOYS AND THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ORIGINALLY TRIED TO COVER IT UP,government can’t insure the nurses but can guarantee $30 million to provide a risk free deal for the potential buyer of Clico’s policy holders and by the way Bahamas Press has the Attorney General submitted a formal request for BIRBAL’S EXTRADITION YET?In this country jail WAS MADE FOR THE POOR AND UNCONNECTED!!!All we can expect are the well connected and the rich to continue the RAPE AND PLUNDER OF THE POOR UNTIL THERE IS A RAIN OF TERROR VISITED UPON THE UPPER CLASS.

    What you have said is correct. Every 24 hours that pases the march to a revolution is a days march closer home. I Pray that the RAPE and PLUNDER OF THE POOR IS STOPPED to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

  8. Bahamas Press you are like John The Baptist a voice crying in the wilderness.Only after a baby was molested to death that we have the so call Christian Council and others screaming for justice.Well i have news for them when you allow minors to die in police custody,persons in authority to steal crown land and resell them for millions of dollars,ANDRE BIRBAL TO RAPE NUMEROUS SCHOOLBOYS AND THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ORIGINALLY TRIED TO COVER IT UP,government can’t insure the nurses but can guarantee $30 million to provide a risk free deal for the potential buyer of Clico’s policy holders and by the way Bahamas Press has the Attorney General submitted a formal request for BIRBAL’S EXTRADITION YET?In this country jail WAS MADE FOR THE POOR AND UNCONNECTED!!!All we can expect are the well connected and the rich to continue the RAPE AND PLUNDER OF THE POOR UNTIL THERE IS A RAIN OF TERROR VISITED UPON THE UPPER CLASS.

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