Big shakeup at Culture as Danny Johnson heads into election defeat and was told by a 2012 supporter to begin clearing out his office!


Christie Government ‘LATE AGAIN’ and cannot save Johnson from Election Defeat as Carmichael polls confirm!

Former Ambassador Gladys Johnson Sands and Minister of Culture Dr. Daniel Johnson.
Former Ambassador Gladys Johnson Sands and Minister of Culture Dr. Daniel Johnson.

FNM may just place Gladys Johnson-Sands to take out brother Danny Johnson in Carmichael!

Nassau, Bahamas – The soon to be ousted Minister for Culture, who has yet to tell the people what really happened with over Six Hundred and Fifty Thousands dollars [$650,000] sponsorship money for an event that never happened is now running scared in Carmichael after getting word that the FNM might consider his own blood to take him out.

Recent late again appointments of PLPs at the Ministry proves that the Minister, in a last ditch effort, is attempting to save himself from the oncoming election slaughter and defeat at the polls! Carmichael has always set the tone for election defeats, and in 2012 it was evident when its former MP, Desmond Bannister, abandoned Carmichael for North Andros. His cut hip followed him like a shadow to the Big Yard and he was defeated!

Danny, we understand, has requested major changes in his Ministry. We have learnt Calvin Balfour is now the newly appointed Permanent Secretary to the Minister and Dr. Linda Moxey-Brown has been promoted to Undersecretary in the Ministry. Additionally we have learnt a relative of another soon-to-be-defeated-MP in the Northern Bahamas – who suggested the Christie Government doesn’t know what the hell it is doing on Bahamar – has replaced Dr. Brown as Director of Culture. What a time!

But no matter how late the changes come now to appoint PLPs in key posts, down in Carmichael, on the ground in the heartland of New Providence, the tide has turned and Carmichael will set the tone for the General Elections!

Danny Johnson is on the way out and, when we look at the data rolling into BP from our polling service BBB Analytics, all we can smell is CUTASS cooking!

If Johnson-Sands is tipped as the candidate for Carmichael, we at Bahamas Press will ENDORSE HER OUTRIGHT AS THE NEXT MP and will back her on the ground with our over 50 team captains in the constituency. It ain’t LONG NAH!

We report yinner decide!

