Bishop Lester Love Putting A Twist On Love Songs…Enjoy!


Knowing that this weekend will be a tough one for scores of Bahamians, Bahamas Press thought it appropriate to place this mid-week post. This minister has a way with songs, check it out.


  1. I love when real men and women of God are just that (Real)I know thats what gets my attention that draws people the more, when we can just talk about the real facts of life. I have a friend her and her husband have a marriage ministry, in which her pastor aproved and affirmed them in. and they took an open rebuke and were hurt in the church for having a valentines event that married couples attended”saved and love the lord” the couples were rebuked for slow dancing off such songs as T.D Jakes (sacred love songs) & Allen & Allen they only had the couples dance off three songs. But when I heard Bishop Lester I knew I had to send it to my friend, and she was encouraged that she did not do anything wrong, and she got testimonies back on how it broke somethings in one marriage and rekindled something in another so when it’s all about kingdom building I say Amen and Thank God for Liberty!!!!!!

  2. This Bishop is carryin on……

    It’s about God, and He is most worthy of all our Worship..

    He is off the chain….

    I love when a Man of God can be real……

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