BP ENDORSES ALEX STORR as Long and Ragged Islands votes for Change!


Alex Storr, BP's Endorsed Candidate for Long and Ragged Islands

Buckley’s Long Island

— Bahamas Press is Buckley’s Long Island today as we canvass that community’s support for newly ratified candidate, Alex Storr.

Bahamas Press goes on record and formally endorses Storr for the constituency of Long Island and Ragged Island. We believe he is the Right MAN to deliver Change to the Country’s most AMBITIOUS, DECENT, And INDUSTRIOUS, HARDWORKING PEOPLE in that part of the country.

For long years ya see, that community have been neglected and ABANDONED by the FNM, and when we say ABANDONED we mean A>BAND>DONED! Neglected and left for dead! But Long Island has its own industry; DECENT PEOPLE! They come together to help themselves and from our own experience, they have MADE THE BAHAMAS THE CROWN JEWEL IT IS in the region!

As we sit in the great churches of St. Athanasius and St. Johns churches on the island, we see a spirit of people who cannot be left neglected, why? Because they are God-fearing people and here’s where our story begins.

St. Pauls in Beautiful Clarence Town Long Island.


collected a chilling report on the record of the FNM in those communities as we left our room overlooking the beach at Cape Santa Maria.

For years now NOT ONE CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT has flowed from theFNM  Cabinet ROOM to the People of Long Island in five years, NOT ONE! In fact, one resident tells us the DICTATOR has left his MP handicapped.

Only the Good Master knows when the people in that part of the Bahamas had caught rain water to bathe and use for their daily chores. To date, we can confirm not one pipe was laid in the ground for Long Islanders to get water and today we hear of them having to buy smelly water; LORD HAVE MERCY!

Like a stepchild left abandoned by his real PAPA so did the FNM abandoned and failed to deliver on its campaign promises to that community. The FNM refuse to deliver Cable to the residents in the North. Save for BP, residents in the North don’t know what the hell is happening in the capital. ZNS radio signals are poor and there is NO CABLE TV. NONE! Another Promise given since 1992 UNDELIEVERED by the FNM!

In an interesting twist of things the people of Long Island has been shut off from social assistance from the government. We can confirm all food stamps once issued to the elderly and poor of that island have been suspended by the FNM administration and from what we know, many dependent on such assistance are left starving. One islander told BP, “ONLY FNMs are on the committee to hand out the stamps and from the way it looks, they are keeping it for themselves, because no one here is getting any.”

Another reason why Long and Ragged Islanders will vote for Change is due to the fact that gas prices have soared in those communities. “We cannot pay the fuel bill BP. The cost for fuel has gone out of reach. Let’s not forget the skyrocketing rate of Crime on the island. There are few jobs and no more can you leave your doors open. Long Island in particular has change and for the first time is years we are VOTING FOR CHANGE!” a Clarence Town resident told BP.

Bahamas Press calls on members of those communities to VOTE FOR CHANGE! Elect Alex Storr as your next MP! We call on the Trecos, Scrivens, Knowles, Cartwrights, Darvilles, Smiths, Foxes, Burrows, Watsons, Becfords, Hardings and all families in the named constituency to VOTE FOR CHANGE!



  1. People say that Long Islanders won’t vote PLP as if they never have before. Let me remind you young people that Long Island, when it was a two seat constituency, was held for 20 years by one Philip Smith and also that two of the PLP’s founders, Henry Taylor and Bill Cartwright are Long Island boys.

    Long Islanders gave Jimmy Knowles his walking papers for doing fool and Larry may get his too. Young Storr’s family is from Long Island and he represents what looks like the youth movement in the PLP coming to the forefront. It won’t be easy but it isn’t impossible either.

  2. Usually BP you are spot on with your assumptions, but this time i assure you that the people of Long Island will not make Mr. Storr there preferred option no matter how horrible the FNM has beed to date. While outstanding as he sounds, one must be real with themselves. No matter how much the people will vote in droves aganist the FNM, the people of Long Island will not vote PLP. Quote me on that!

    • Please when you write say, “IN MY OPINION.” You cannot be in Long Island as we have been, and if you think Nassau bad with crime check out that community. NO NEWS NO REPORT! All the hotels getting rob up there. How did that happen under this FNM government? ANOTHER FIRST!


  3. Larry Cartwright will pay for betraying the people of his home Island. They voted against the FNM because they were tired of the lies and inaction from them. They say they voted for Larry as an Independent; the PLP gave Larry clear sailing by not opposing him, otherwise he would still have lost to Jimmy Knowles and then he turned around and joined the FNM; we did not want the FNM and our home town boy betrayed us so we will put licks on him this time. In Parliament he should have stayed Independent and support the PLP’s position but he went to the party which we rejected so we will surely reject him. My First cousin Alex Storr will win because Long Islanders are fed up with FNM neglect.

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