BPL Executive has hired his sweetheart to head up the Human Resources Department at the Power Company…


BPL Chairman Darnell Osborne.

Nassau – Bahamas Press is following a top executive, now hired at BP, who seems to have a policy of hiring Friends, Family and Lovers.

The top executive, who is a Bahamian, by the way, worked in the United States for years before returning to the Bahamas. The executive, we are learning, was for some time at Grand Bahama Power Company before being disengaged at that company.

Now, you would remember, last year PowerSecure and Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) agreed to ‘amicably’ sever their business relationship as of Monday, September 18, 2017. The entire management deal was promoted by the American Embassy, which pressured the Christie Government to make sure fair competition was extended to the US based company. But, since the termination and millions were fleeced at BPL with fraud, inside everyone has gone quiet.

BP is monitoring these developments, though, and, now that the executive has placed his “Special Sweetie” in charge of the HR department with the task to hire staff, we wonder what some will say?

BP also questions the qualifications and experience of the new HR head.

Just like how we brought yinner the BRIBE! Just how we brought yinner the FRAUD in the accounts Department where millions were fleeced from the Public! We at BP will now keep our cockeyes on dem at BPL as the SWEETHEART is set to take her seat.

We report yinner decide!