Two security detail attached to the Queen’s Representative Murdered just months apart while serving on the job!

NASSAU| The Cabinet of the Bahamas has heeded the call of the General Public in calling for an Inquiry into the murder of Petty Officer Philip Perpall at Government House on the morning of April 28th.
The Cabinet Office made the decision yesterday and directed the Minister of National Security to make the announcement. Details of that Inquiry Committee to investigate the incident will be further explained in a press conference later today at the Cabinet Office.
A serious breach in the security of the Queen’s representative must be examined to ensure that not just public buildings guarded by RBDF Services are safe, but also foreign Embassy offices where the marines provide security.
And some serious questions must be answered such as:
1) How did the shooter access the compound of Government House and leave without being stopped?
2) Was there CCTV guarding the perimeter of Government House and, if not, why not?
3) What were the circumstances that triggered this tragic incident of murder?
4) How did the marine now accused gain access to a handgun?

There are many, many questions that must be answered and we support the Government’s approach to uncovering exactly how the life of a marine was lost.
This is the second member of the security detail of the Governor General who has been murdered in cold blood while on duty. The GG’s ADC, Inspector Carlis Blatch, was gunned down in the company of his child back in September last year outside the H. O. Nash Junior High School.
We report yinner decide!