Cabinet Of the Bahamas confirms BP’s early morning Breaking News on Kenneth Russell


Hubert Ingraham has lost his marbles and from our reports, has fired a second member of his government. STANDBY...

Nassau, Bahamas — After quietly clearing his office in the Housing Ministry this morning, Kenneth Russell left the capital and flew into Grand Bahama. The former Cabinet Minister was greeted by scores of supporters who welcomed his arrival at the embattled city.

Bahamas Press joined the caravan of supporters who told our news team, “This is a hero’s welcome here today, The Free National Movement is no more welcomed on Grand Bahama and we, have come to collect our MP. he is of us, from us and now is with us.”

Early this morning Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham telephoned Government House to inform the Governor General that effective immediately Russell was fired from his Cabinet post. In a statement issued to members of the press before 1PM the Cabinet Office wrote:

The Cabinet Office announces that the Prime Minister has advised the Governor General that with immediate effect the Minister of Housing the Honourable Kenneth Russell has been relieved of all ministerial responsibilities arising out of conduct by Mr. Russell inconsistent with his ministerial duties.

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham has advised the Governor General to appoint the Hon. Neko C. Grant as Minister of Housing in addition to his responsibilities as Minister of Works and Transport.

Kenneth Russell is the 7th Cabinet Minister to have left the embattled Ingraham Cabinet in a single term. No other government in the history of the Bahamas has experienced such mass exodus in one term.

Hubert Ingraham and the FNM is presently being condemned in Grand Bahama. Meanwhile BREAKING NEWS COMING IS COMING INTO BP FROM THE ROAD TRAFFIC AUTHORITY!


  1. The Prime Minister met Kenneth Russell in the FNM.
    He talking about it is time for Russell to go, what about him ??
    He fired Kenneth Russell on “hear say”.
    Mr Russell said that the Prime Minister called him in his office and said to him ” I heard you told someone who I think I is?” Prime Mimister told him well I will show you who I am. I want your resignnation letter on my desk by noon. This is all so petty………
    Whom the gods must destroy, they first make mad.

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