Cable Bahamas Coverage of CARIFTA Games poor. Residents in Exuma complain of WUTLESS service


Wutless media delivered another wutless weekend coverage of the CARIFTA Games! BP done it again!

Shaunae Miller on way to victory! WE AT BP ARE PROUD OF YOU SHANUAE AND TEAM BAHAMAS!

George Town, Exuma — Cable Bahamas is being blamed for a disappointing national coverage of the Cable feed of the Carifta Games 2013 into the Family Islands.

All weekend, islanders have complained to Bahamas Press, sharing with us their experience and thanking BP for online updates through Facebook and social media.

In a lengthy communication one Exumian wrote:

I don’t know if it is just us in Exuma but we had no signal all day on ZNS yesterday [Saturday]. The screen was just black and we couldn’t watch a minute of Carifta. Not to mention the opening ceremony, which came on late with a hour of no signal. I mean how ridiculous is this garbage! How long did they have to prepare for this coverage? I spent most of my day with a group of people talking about how pissed we were that we couldn’t watch the games live.

“They could at least issue some statement? All you could do is sit in front of the TV all day waiting.”

Bahamas Press is calling on Cable Bahamas to explain what is happening in Exuma and the Family Islands affected by CARIFTA coverage.

And while Cable Bahamas was letting down the residents on the Family Islands, online global readers had to read BP’s social media pages to know what was happening at Carifta.

ONLY Bahamas Press reported up-to-the-minute coverage as to what was happening on the track and what was unfolding on stage. Outside ZNS’ coverage, we covered all the highlights and gave a blow-by-blow report on what was being won by the Bahamians.

Media in the Bahamas should hang their heads in dutty shame for failing to report live what was taking place at the Thomas Robinson Stadium. BP, which is an investigative news wire organization was able to simultaneously break crime incidents, report our exclusive on NIB and tell you how Shaunae Miller and Team Bahamas was racing for GOLD at the sports centre.

This is an unbelievable weekend, while the daily dinos slept like the willow tree over the weekend, concocting some pot of lies to feed residents who only found solace in the newspapers to wrap their good Friday fish dinner in.

But they have no shame!

Despite the disappointments, we must say journalist Matt Maura lead the most comprehensive report in all Carifta Games 2013. His recap show was world class and sometimes we thought the coverage mirrored a BBC report. The Bahamas has come of age and we have real talent!

Bahamas Press congratulates the entire team Bahamas for a stellar performance on the track.

We also salute the powerful supporters who came out in droves to cheer on both local and Caribbean athletes. It was powerful and exciting indeed.

Happy Easter Monday Bahamas!

The Bahamian athletes participating in the CARIFTA Games parade around the track during the opening ceremony of the 42nd CARIFTA Games at Thomas Robinson Stadium, Friday, March 29, 2013.

We report yinner decide!