Cable Bahamas moved from its 300 promised jobs to now reduced to 150 if granted a second mobile license…


That company is just not honest with the Bahamian people!

Cable Bahamas head offices.

Dear Editor,

I want to thank you for discussing this matter of a second mobile license and for presenting your bold and candid thoughts on this point in our development.

I want to join your commentary on two of the applicants in the RFP [Cable Bahamas and Digicel]. In my view, both do not fit the dynamics we need in a second provider.

(1) We need a provider that will bring expanded services, new technology, new employment and investment in this expanding industry. One cannot assume that Cable Bahamas would deliver much of that as they already are in the land line business and admitted recently, following your report, that 150 of the staff needed for mobile services are already working for the company, far from their initial 300 more jobs promise only days before your article.

(2) The second licensee must provide a Bahamian ownership dynamic and we know Digicel’s business model provides no such room for ownership. That company is clearly owned by one shareholder.

It is good to see that, in this stage of our democracy, we can demand real, tangible players in the market that will mature to the benefit of the country and expand opportunity for our people.

Long live the Commonwealth of the Bahamas!


E. David Taylor