carlbeth<<< Carl Bethel is the most wutless minister of  the highest order ever seen in the history of The Bahamas. From Rapes to molestations, abuse, gangs, murder you name it and it happened under his watch as the ‘chief police’ of the public schools. Things was so bad for him in education his own son raped a 13 year old girl at Queen’s College. Carl covered up the matter. Teachers walked out on Bethel, children scoffed at him. Parents called for his resignation and now FNMs want him out! He has become BP’s new ‘washed up has been egotist’ who has no SHAME!! YOU HAVE NO SHAME BETHEL…YOU HAVE NO SHAME!!! You should be embarrassed for the state you’ve left the ministry of education!

Nassau, Bahamas — The now defeated minister of education, Carl “UNDERNOURISHED” Bethel, appalls Bahamas Press as he attempts to respond to our article on his WUTLESSNESS in overseeing the Eight Mile Rock High School molestations.

Bethel, you would know, was a special guest on the Muppet Show [ZNS TV] last night in a desperate attempt to fix his atrocious record, which dubbed him the worse minister of education in the history of The Bahamas! During the interview Bethel sought to suggest his ministry could not do anything to block pedophile, Andre Birbal, from absconding the country after molesting more than 20 boys at the EMRH School.

Bethel was seen shaking like a cocaine addict as he told viewers last night, “The ministry and I were unfairly blamed for his [Birbal] having absconded the country.

“The Ministry cannot suspend someone’s passport or confiscate it. It cannot protect the boarders.” Neither, Bethel added, nor does his ministry have the right to intervene in a matter between two individuals.

Now we see why Hubert ‘Papa Doc’ Ingraham fired this ‘Red Munchkin’. How could a minister, charged with responsibility to police the school system, conjure in his mind that neither he nor his ministry has any authority to intervene in matters between two individuals? Is Bethel here suggesting that Birbal and his victims were consenting adults? ‘VELL’ CALL THE POLICE! Is the now ‘failed minister’ suggesting the children agreed to have sex with the teacher, thus he could not intervene? Bethel cannot be out soon enough. MUST HAVE GONE MAD!

Btroy-garveyethel and Education, we know, avoided Troy Garvey who first brought this matter to the public along with two victims after Bethel refused to respond to their concerns. Children were being molested and Bethel did nothing to STOP IT!

Bethel and Education also refused to see or listen to the victims who reported the incidents from 2007.

Bethel and Education denied the incidents ever happened after being told so by victims.

Bethel and Education, after the story of pedophilia was known, then authorized acting director Lionel Sands and later ZNS reporter Clint Watson to communicate there was “NO CASE” or anything criminal which occurred at EMRH. BOTH SHOULD HAVE RESIGNED WITH BETHEL!!! ZNS in their normal ‘subjective’ ways never interviewed any of the victims, who were constantly beating on the doors of the POLICE, the MINISTER and the WUTLESS MEDIA for help! All institutions ignored their cries and sought to hide the matter.

Bethel and Education we know PAID IN FULL Birbal his compensation just days before he fled the country and was seen in the Cambio in a Florida airport changing his money. We reported this, NOT the WUTLESS MEDIA!

And now Bahamas Press can confirm that a Cabinet decision “rejected” the idea of seeking JUSTICE for the CHILDREN OF EIGHT MILE ROCK and together members REFUSED to issue an extradition request to have Birbal returned to The Bahamas from The United States where he was held in custody during the summer of this year.


Bahamas Press could never sit around the table of the Cabinet and allow such a ‘VICKED’ act to be done against the children of this country.

Now that the minister has resigned from office, we want ‘Papa Doc’ to know, young people of this country will REJECT your betrayal of JUSTICE against the children of EMRH! And we are pained to see you [Hubert Ingraham] failed them in this way.

In 20 months this FAILED FNM government will be NO MORE!

We the Bahamian People DEMAND Change! Change is coming baby!


Educators at EMRH School left abandoned outside the school during a special called meeting early this year. Carl ‘Undernourished’ Bethel picked up and walked out of the meeting refusing to engage the professional of his ministry. As we said before, he was suffering from the MOLD in his head! It’s the mold!


  1. @Examiner
    There is nothing wrong with trying to apply pressure to the government by marching, typing and talking, but unless the people who we have trusted with the power of this country sees what happened to those children as something detestable and something worthy of making the perpetrator accountable for his filthy actions then that is the only time something would ever be done about it. I am just shocked to say the least to see how some very influential people in this country have remained utterly quiet on this matter, especially the religious leaders. We just have to be careful who we trust to be in charge of the country next time.

  2. Green Tea :@ExaminerI wonder if it is too costly to bring Birbal back to the Bahamas or they are not prepared to hear the song(s) he has to sing???????????

    I am reliably informed from within the Cabinet room that they considered it too costly. I dare anyone to challenge me on this.

  3. @Examiner
    Who else is in the position other than the FNM government and the Attorney General to have Birbal extradite back here? I don’t know what this FNM government is dealing with, but I think it is very mysterious and suspicious the way they have aided with this man escape. There is more to this situation than what meets the eyes. I don’t trust these people and their trust agenda. If I had it to deal with, Birbal would have been back here by now and wishing he was dead, because I was going to beat him like a run away slave. If his ma is still alive she would have been able to feel the pain. Please forgive me, because I know she probably has nothing to do with this, but that’s how mad I normally gets every time I think about this situation . That’s why I had to take a little break from talking about it, because this is only yuck up my vexation. Until the FNM start doing better in life, they will never get my vote.

  4. I knew that they would not have brought Birbal back. From the very beginning the government quieted this situation, especially because Birbal was allowed to walk out of the country. The mainstream media did not do this story justice. This is a disgrace. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. If this situation had played out in St Andrews where the PMs grandchildren attend and his special interests partners’ children attend, this whole thing would have been very different. It’s a sad day when a price is put on the safety of our children. We see it every day as violence is again rearing its ugly head on our school campuses.

  5. @Examiner
    I wonder if it is too costly to bring Birbal back to the Bahamas or they are not prepared to hear the song(s) he has to sing???????????

  6. Russell Johnson :Dont worry Examiner before the day draws nigh there will be a response as this site determines public opinion.Sparks will fly when the HOA next meets as the Govt will be hard pressed to explain what they are not doing.The surrogates on site will go to their massah and make them say something.You just watch and see.Lets keep the can of worms open.In trying to cleanup his image Carl better ensure that he updates the country on what the status of the Birbal case is.I suspect the Opposition is checking out some things and if as we suspect the Govt is vulnerable for its inaction Bay Street will close down.

    I doubt it very much. The opposition is in collusion, it is ony BP that is saying anything on the matter. I hope they did not get to Troy Garvey. He should be applauded for doing what he did to get the story out, but he needs to follow up and I am willing to assist.

  7. “I said to myself, in all my days, since the PLP ushered in the right to primary and secondary education for all Bahamians, I have never seen this level of confusion in the system. It frightens me every time Ingraham leaves Carl Bethel as acting Prime Minister. He is a Minister I must demand is shuffled out of Education.”Taken from the speech of PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts given on the closing night of convention.

    It is clear that BIG BAD BRAD got his wish as Carl was kicked out.PAPA is in collusion with Roberts one can say as he needed an excuse and got it.As Chairman Carl cannot ever be acting PM again and he can no longer go to Cabinet meetings.A clear demotion and from what is going on in Sea Breeze, come the General Elections he is g-o-n-e.In California they had what is termed the BRADLEY EFFECT, well we now have the same thing in the Bahamas as Big Bad Brad is already effecting positions in the FNM Govt.

  8. Dont worry Examiner before the day draws nigh there will be a response as this site determines public opinion.Sparks will fly when the HOA next meets as the Govt will be hard pressed to explain what they are not doing.The surrogates on site will go to their massah and make them say something.You just watch and see.Lets keep the can of worms open.In trying to cleanup his image Carl better ensure that he updates the country on what the status of the Birbal case is.I suspect the Opposition is checking out some things and if as we suspect the Govt is vulnerable for its inaction Bay Street will close down.

  9. BP, I am shocked and amazed at the people on this site and this Country for that matter. Everybody has his or her agenda and no one is thinking about those boys in Eight Mile Rock. Birbal is not going to face any charges and the wutless media, the church and all these people on this site do not care two hoots. I cry shame on all of you. Where is Jesus’ words in all of this ” as you do to the lest of my Brethren, you do unto me”. Where is Troy Garvey now?. Has he lost his tongue since Paul got beat?. Where is Perry Christie?. Where is Brave Davis? Where is Bishop Boyd?. He wants to be in my bedroom talking about Marital Rape. Where is Archbishop Pinder?. Well that church is known for pedophilia. Where is the Christian Council?. Where is that Reprobate Bishop Hall and Neil Ellis?.

  10. @Bahamasyouth
    Bradley Roberts lack TECHNOLOGY.
    As popinted out to you by Objective thought BIG BAD BRAD has been getting his message out long before my good friend CARL CAME UP WITH THE PHRASE ,CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW.Since you claim to be young am more than surprised that you would make an ASININE statement like you did.Another new word for you to learn and use.Yes sign up on facebook and even though you are asinine BIG BAD BRAD would consider you to join his friendship grouping.

  11. onelove :
    Sorry People>>>>> Hubert is now in election mode so not a thing will be done in Eduction untill a new Government is elected.Deon Foulkes will return to Eduction as minister. Deaon is a political animal he will deal with Belinda Wilson he will cool her and the teachers down enough for Hubert to called the elction in the next 12 to 18 months. Deon flammed about the Educational program in the Minsirty off labour and we got the money from AILO. Johnley will get minstry of sports, Bannister will go to labour. PLP will have to be ready for a the 2012 campaign

    Sorry to disappoint you but there will be NO 2012 election!! Election will be held between June 2011 and Nov 20011!!! After the next FNM convention in Nov 2010, the country will be in full election mode!!!

  12. Bahamasyouth :
    @Russell Johnson
    Your right but see you putting POLITRICKS up in this again…. And let me break it down for you. I said Carl laid back personality does NOT FIT with a MINISTRY which DIRECTLY deals with people….. HEALTH, EDUCATION, IMMIGRATION, NATIONAL SECURITY are all ministries what need someone AGGRESSIVE. And I agree with you Carl couldnt handle Ministry of education im sure he cant handle Bradley roberts…. but I ga tell you this…… Bradley Roberts lack TECHNOLOGY. I notice Carl Bethel is marketing to YOUNGER PEOPLE by technology. And Alfred Sears couldnt handle Ministry of Education either if you ask ME!!!! Him and carl are yes different people but with the same FACE… SAME TRAITS! Book smart but not aggressive!

    You say that Brad lacks technology???? Obviously you don’t know Brad!!! Brad has been on every important website since I met him back in 2002!! He has always told me when I would tell him about a situation that I would like him to deal with, to email him!! He was one of the few persons who used every new technology available to him to get to the people!!!

    You need to hit Brad up on facebook and see the many friends that he has and I am one of them!!!

  13. Russell Johnson :
    That might be the case of him being given consideration but from my sources who are insiders the Senator from Fox Hill has been given the nod bcos she actually brings a different presence to Education.PAPA is pulling out all stops to get the female vote.Plus Sen Higgs appears to be someone who will not wilt in the spotlight.PAPA is still thinking about Melinda who seems to have made mincemeat of Minister Bethell.Reminds me of a wife who can beat her husband psychically and must remind him of that fact daily.I laughed when Melinda started berating Carl for not telling her he was going to be fired ignoring the fact that he did not know.

    But Carl is the one who pretended as if he knew by saying that a group of them (FNMs) were having meetings for several weeks and his appointment was the culmination of those meetings!!! So don’t blame Berlinda for her statements!!

  14. Johnley Ferguson, For education Minister? Lol,(jokes fer days). I am still amazed he was a teacher. Bad grammar,no pronunciation, not erudite at all!

    Thats why i am not amazed at the “D” average, as goes the teacher, so goes the student.

  15. BP, I have been reliably informed that Birbal is a free man. I understand that the Mugabe Cabinet considered it too costly to pursue justice for the these little kids. I now call on the Bahamian People to reject that entire Cabinet of Rotten Eggs. I cry shame on Mugabe. Let it had been some kids from Spanish Wells, he would have flown to Newyork himself and file the extradition papers. Papa Doc Ingraham is wutless.

  16. Johnly will never see the Cabinet. Mark my words of that one. Brensil will get there before him.

  17. Sorry People>>>>> Hubert is now in election mode so not a thing will be done in Eduction untill a new Government is elected.Deon Foulkes will return to Eduction as minister. Deaon is a political animal he will deal with Belinda Wilson he will cool her and the teachers down enough for Hubert to called the elction in the next 12 to 18 months. Deon flammed about the Educational program in the Minsirty off labour and we got the money from AILO. Johnley will get minstry of sports, Bannister will go to labour. PLP will have to be ready for a the 2012 campaign

  18. So sorry… I don’t either Jacinta or Johnley in education.
    I see Johnley as Minister for Local Government, and Jacinta in Culture if necessary.
    Larry Cartwright will go to education, assisted by Alvin Smith, Byron will go to legal affairs, Deveaux will pick up agriculture and enviroment. I’m not PM but I see this as an effective alternate move. Sidney Collie can be returned to the Cabinet to assist Tommy. Branville can go to Labour and Dion goes in Office of PM.

  19. Carl was really lacking vision when he was over at education, but I expect for him to do much better in this new position. After disappointing so many people, especially countless children, this might be a good opportunity for him to redeem himself and show that he can be taken seriously. When you look at it Johnlee Ferguson wasn’t really all that effective as chairman of the FNM either, but he has a proven track record and years of experience in education. Maybe the Prime Minister should consider appointing him as the new Minister of Education. As for Ivoine Ingraham, he gets to return to BTVI and keep his job, which was once threatened, I am so happy for him. What he doing over there anyhow? He must be teaching cosmetology aye? I remember when I used to go to his salon in the mall to get my hair and nails done. To this day, I don’t know why they had to close. Boy, he could have shampoo and style up a hair, when you leave there you used to be pleased. When he went up Prince Charles, I didn’t bother follow him though that was just too much out of my way.

  20. @Examiner
    Oh wow but im not surprise the best person for the job would be Johnlee Ferguson… The Free National Movement need more young intelligent people for the next election. I wish Tanya McCartney, Theresa Ingraham and A. Allen come back.

  21. Russell Johnson :@Bahamasyouth That might be the case of him being given consideration but from my sources who are insiders the Senator from Fox Hill has been given the nod bcos she actually brings a different presence to Education.PAPA is pulling out all stops to get the female vote.Plus Sen Higgs appears to be someone who will not wilt in the spotlight.PAPA is still thinking about Melinda who seems to have made mincemeat of Minister Bethell.Reminds me of a wife who can beat her husband psychically and must remind him of that fact daily.I laughed when Melinda started berating Carl for not telling her he was going to be fired ignoring the fact that he did not know.

    Dr. Higgs has her own scandals. Word is she was hiring ” willy nilly” at Clifton Heritage and the staff signed a petition on her that was sent directly to the PM. The HR Manager is a big shot FNM and went direcly to Mugabe. They are trying to keep this under wraps. Dr. Higgs exceeded her authority according to our sources out at Clifton. We will provide BP with the materials and information to expose this scandal.

  22. @Russell Johnson
    Your right but see you putting POLITRICKS up in this again…. And let me break it down for you. I said Carl laid back personality does NOT FIT with a MINISTRY which DIRECTLY deals with people….. HEALTH, EDUCATION, IMMIGRATION, NATIONAL SECURITY are all ministries what need someone AGGRESSIVE. And I agree with you Carl couldnt handle Ministry of education im sure he cant handle Bradley roberts…. but I ga tell you this…… Bradley Roberts lack TECHNOLOGY. I notice Carl Bethel is marketing to YOUNGER PEOPLE by technology. And Alfred Sears couldnt handle Ministry of Education either if you ask ME!!!! Him and carl are yes different people but with the same FACE… SAME TRAITS! Book smart but not aggressive!

  23. @Bahamasyouth
    So being a failure in one Ministry assures him of certain failure against BIG BAD BRAD.”his leadership traits dont reconcile with the ministry”.Wow my friend how will Carl fare in a battle for the Bahamas if he could not handle a Ministry and Belinda?He will need plenty help and I dont see anyone around who can assist.Carl has jumped in shark infested waters and the blood is already present.Like others I anxiously await the appointment of the next Minister of Education.

  24. @Russell Johnson
    I think Sen Higgs or Johnlee Ferguson would be a good choice for Minister of Education… BOTH know the needs and wants among the industry. Carl Bethel did his best as minister but his leadership traits dont reconcile with the ministry. Sen Higgs and Ferguson both are People’s Person and can reach out to Belinda Wilson and the Union’s needs and wants. And Russell Im sure Carl had a clear idea that his faith as Minister of Education was going to end….. YES Mr. Ingraham might not have announced publicly but IM 100% sure that Mr. Inrgaham talked to Mr. Bethel and Mr Ferguson….. Notice Ingraham announce Carl for Chairman and NOTICED WHO Seconded it…. Johnlee Ferguson. It was a PLANNED.

    MY ONLY PROBLEM with Sen. Higgs and Mr. Ferguson is that they need to bring in NEW FRESH INNOVATIONS to fix the national education module.

  25. @Bahamasyouth
    That might be the case of him being given consideration but from my sources who are insiders the Senator from Fox Hill has been given the nod bcos she actually brings a different presence to Education.PAPA is pulling out all stops to get the female vote.Plus Sen Higgs appears to be someone who will not wilt in the spotlight.PAPA is still thinking about Melinda who seems to have made mincemeat of Minister Bethell.Reminds me of a wife who can beat her husband psychically and must remind him of that fact daily.I laughed when Melinda started berating Carl for not telling her he was going to be fired ignoring the fact that he did not know.

  26. @Bahamasyouth
    experience does not translate into performance. I’m of the opinion that it remains their intentions to keep the masses illiterate. An illiterate populist is a controlled populist. If any of these nit-wits were genuinely serious about the education of us, the youths, they would take a page out of Obama’s book and reach accross the divide and appoint the person who is best qualified, who posses the expertise and experience to fill the position of Minister of Education. The blame-gaming and finger-pointing only creates a deeper divide and quite frankly it is not our concern of which party did what and when.—–and that’s just a penny of my five cents.


  28. I have been a supporter of Carl on this site and feel bad that he has been axed.The question remains.who will replace him as Minister of Education?Reliable sources tell me Jacinta Higgs will be appointed Parliamentary Secretary in Min Of Educ. which should have happened while Carl was there.Unfortunately for PAPA his bench has no more players.So where does he go from here?Landmines are scattered throughout Education and the very survival of the country is at stake if the myriad of questions are not satisfactorily answered.

  29. @Dibbles
    Personally I feel ministers who work hand and hand with people should be aggressive. Carl Bethel is not a very aggressive person therefore this portfolio doesn’t fit him. Now Carl Bethel is a book smart man. Persons like Earl Deveaux, Neko Grant, Dion Foulkes and Tommy Turnquest are what I like to call INTELLIGENT MEN but lacks THE AGGRESSIVENESS to be in a ministry which deal one on one with PEOPLE.

  30. Is he taking those persons who could do no wrong in the Ministry of Education with him – his “ears” and “eyes”. Those persons who use to take to him the names or lists identifying persons of the other political party?

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