Christie’s Rat Pack is BACK! Now attempting to block Brave Davis



<<< Christie’s RAT ATTACK inside the PLP wants to block Davis’ Deputy Leader bid in the PLP. Listen to Brave announcement Today!

Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press will now endorse Philip ‘Brave’ Davis for the deputy leadership of the Progressive Liberal Party.

Friends support friends and Brave Davis is a Friend to many on our editorial team. He’s a good man, and we believe he will bring fresh new thinking into the belly of the PLP.

But before Davis could announce his bid to the world today, Christie and his band of RAT PACK friends were in cyberspace plotting to setup a website to attack his former law partner. Nothing amazes us about Christie. He’s desperate, scared and would do anything to block any level of threat to his leadership. He works for Hubert Ingraham.

We see why Ingraham called him ‘WUTLESS’! BP says he’s DUTTY and WUTLESS!

A Christie Rat Pack general out of China, Earlin Williams, has now setup a website out of China to attack Davis in his bid for the deputy leadership. The site: came online just days before Davis’ announcement today. On the website, photographs display the interior of Mr. Davis’ former Hilton offices and carry a headline, “The Man The Myth The Misconduct”. christie-ingraham-1

Now this is amazing. Christie, and no one else, continues to kill off the young of the party. He has done nothing to welcome them back in. He has done nothing to build the party branches. He has done nothing to expand the party’s message. He’s done little to attack Ingraham and has sat quiet while Bahamian land is taken away.brave-d-1

Christie, PLPs would know, after 12 years as party leader, has not identified any successor to the organization. He has failed to build the party with new young blood at the top and now he wishes to block the incoming deputy leader. A constitutional position of the party!

One party official told BP, “You mean to tell me Christie don’t want us to have a deputy leader? What is this we have sitting at the head of PLP?”

The PLP’s October convention cannot come fast enough for the young people of the PLP, they want Christie OUT as leader! They want CHANGE! And with this new attack now on Brave Davis; it is certain, CHANGE WILL COME!

Who in Brave Davis’ office could have taken these photos for Perry Christie?


  1. Brave is a quiet soldier and not a hot head a man who hopefully will get things done. Let’s hope that the other candidates decide not to destroy the party in the meantime. I understand Obie might be out because of his accident.

  2. I was at the launching of Braves official launch of consideration for the post of Deputy Leader of the PLP.Being a St Johns graduate I was happy to see Father Palacious, Braves classmate present.Michelle Pindling and her husband were there also Raynard Rigby and others mentioned by the press.Brtave is the kind of Deputy that the PLP needs at this time bcos this Govt, is doing plenty shit.Sir Lynden had AD Hanna and Milo Butler so you get my point.Brave was in the trenches for a long time and what the last PLP Cabinet lacked was his presence to settle things.The battle lines are drawn and a very spirited campaign will begin soon.Dirty politics will be the order of the day but in the end whoever emerges will rejuvenate the base of the party.Competitors start your engines.

  3. @Altec
    Take your pick, tell us what you wish us to be. ONE THING IS CERTAIN, That MAN NAME CHRISTIE IS NOT IN OUR GOOD BOOK! Thinking about it, we need to have a piece on him tomorrow. We’ve just gotten word from that meeting on Tuesday, and we don’t like what we heard from Christie!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. @mashup
    Mashup, in no way am i telling BP what to publish. i dont know where you got that impression. You see what you want to.

    Media, maybe i misunderstood this website.

    Is this site a legitimate news website or is this website just a blog of like minded individuals who are anti PC? If this website is the later then you are not bound to any journalistic ethics or standards. But if this is a legitimate news website, then its in poor taste and journalist malpractice to openly and unashamedly state your hate for someone you are covering on a daily basis.

    Just because you take shots at the PLP and FNM doesnt make you fair. If you like neither you can still be bias towards both of them by promoting anti PLP and FNM rhetoric.

    You dont just state facts and let your readers come to their own conclusion, you go a step further and editorialize your own content to push a particular theme. The Tribune, Guardian and Punch does the same thing. These organizations are political PR firms dressed in journalist clothing.

    So which is it “BAHAMAS PRESS”? Is this website a legitimate news gathering site or just a blog of like minded individuals against PC? If you are the former, then its wrong for you to say you “hate” PC.

  5. @Altec
    We are different because we SLAP CHRISTIE and we KICK HUBERT WHEN WE READY! We show NO BIAS THERE!

    And when person’s like your get ready, you kick and slap us down to the ground. WHENEVER YOU’RE READY! LIKE NOW!

    How are we different? We have repeatedly without fail allowed you and others free open critique of what we say. NONE OF THE PAPERS DO THAT!

    How are we different? You have equal rights to submit and publish material on here, Just like the editors. None of the publications allow that.

    How are we different? We have not displayed BIAS towards the PLP or the FNM! NONE own us! You cannot say that about the WUTLESS MEDIA!

    And because we hate Christie WAYS and say it, that in itself proves we are different than them who say they for Christie, but the next day slaughter him.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. @altec

    where do you get off telling BP what to publish? if you disagree just say so and move on.

  7. media :
    YOU GAT THAT DAMN RIGHT JR! As you know, we warned him and told him LEAVE! This is not new. LEAVE CHRISTIE , LEAVE!

    You are admitting that you intentionally try to connect PC to issues that has nothing to do with him. We all knew that. At least you arent afraid to admit it, but how does that make you different from the Tribune or Punch? You cant call them WUTLESS, when you do the same things you are accusing them off.

    This website has been a breath of fresh air for thousands of Bahamians. Dont poison it with your personal vendetta. The Wutless Media would like nothing more.

  8. @JR
    YOU GAT THAT DAMN RIGHT JR! As you know, we warned him and told him LEAVE! This is not new. LEAVE CHRISTIE , LEAVE!


  9. media :
    @Objective Thought
    But have we ever hid our dislike for Christie? We have never! We have said over and repeatedly, Perry Christie is a FAKE! WUTLESS! LAZY! A SNITCH! A TRAITOR! A GOOD FOR NOTHING PUSSY CAT!
    We haven’t changed that. We haven’t clouded that! We have said it time and time again, WE WISH HIM NO GOOD! So what’s the point?
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Its one thing to say you wish him no good, anyone who has been paying attention to BP knows that. What people like me get upset with you for is the fact that no matter how convoluted it is, you will always go out of your way to put Perry in the middle of a story that has nothing to do with him and it can only be your hatred clouding your judgement. If a Hurricane came tomorrow BP would find a way to blame Perry Christie.

  10. LOU :
    @Media….Don’t have a clue why you ended your post like that

    That makes two of us! I also noticed my previous post (#17) was temporarily blocked for “moderation.” So what were you expecting me to say in my response to your little quip that you had to see it before you allowed it to be posted? Are you going all MUGABE on me now?

  11. @Media….Don’t have a clue why you ended your post like that ! But, getting back to the real issue – Perry has lead this nation and his party before and I believe he can do it again! PC, was courageous enough to pick up the mantle and bring victory in 2002! He methodically guided this nation in the right direction as far as it concerned crime, social development, national pride, economic growth, etc. But, maybe people like you and others, felt that he was “too slow” and decided to vote him out! Well, it’s just like the dog and the bone at the lake – you dropped it so deal with it! Those five years (even though a record) was the most peaceful, progressive and spiritual time in this country ! PC did a great job!

  12. media :

    LOU :
    @Media..Yea, what did Perry do to you or your family. If it ain’t real, then you need some professional help, man..

    To Lou and Altec all we say is this. It is not what Christie has done to us, but what he has done to the Thousands of Bahamians. He has refuse to lead and lacks LEADERSHIP! BE GONE CHRISTIE, BE GONE!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    What? BOL? SOund like you know something i dont BP. I must have touched a nerve.

  13. LOU :
    @Media..Yea, what did Perry do to you or your family. If it ain’t real, then you need some professional help, man..

    To Lou and Altec all we say is this. It is not what Christie has done to us, but what he has done to the Thousands of Bahamians. He has refuse to lead and lacks LEADERSHIP! BE GONE CHRISTIE, BE GONE!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  14. @Media..Yea, what did Perry do to you or your family. If it ain’t real, then you need some professional help, man..

  15. media :
    Believe it or NOT Altec the hate for Christie is growing by the day, and we Serious believe if he confronts one of us, HE WILL GET JUST WHAT HE’s LOOKING FOR!

    Thats not right man. I dont like HAI, but i would never give him “what he looking for.” I still have to respect him.

    But you didnt answer my question. What was it that he did to you or your family? You dont have to be specific.

  16. @MEDIA
    It’a damn shame, that you CAN NOT….I repeat, CAN NOT, be cool headed and objective when it comes to PC! You need to “LAY OFF” so that we ALL can work together for change! Sometimes you sound just like HUBIGGIETY..PC is NO traitor – he has always fought a good fight for the small man. They voted him out – what more do you want from him – to open his mouth everytime something happens – That is the FNM style. PLP will always be the party for “the people”!

  17. @Altec
    Believe it or NOT Altec the hate for Christie is growing by the day, and we Serious believe if he confronts one of us, HE WILL GET JUST WHAT HE’s LOOKING FOR!


  18. media :
    @Objective Thought
    But have we ever hid our dislike for Christie? We have never! We have said over and repeatedly, Perry Christie is a FAKE! WUTLESS! LAZY! A SNITCH! A TRAITOR! A GOOD FOR NOTHING PUSSY CAT!
    We haven’t changed that. We haven’t clouded that! We have said it time and time again, WE WISH HIM NO GOOD! So what’s the point?
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    media :
    So what’s the point Objective Thought? Bahamas PRESS DISLIKES HIS NASTY DUTTY VICKED WAYS!
    WHAT’s your point to our dislike to the TRAITOR! Doesn’t the PLP has a website for you to praise your cowardly leader? Why come on here when you know we have issues with his SHAMEFUL TRAITOR LIKE WAYS!
    See you getting the old Bahamas Press fire started again! We wish your DAMN LEADER NO GOOD! NONE WHAT SO EVER, SO GET WITH IT!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    BP what has PC done to you personally? I am being honest! Why so much hatred? This isnt about politics, your dislike of him is obviously personal.

    Did a family member not get a government contract or constituency nomination? Did he sleep with your girl or wife? Did he break a personal promise to you and the consequences of that affected you financially? What is it?

    Something gone down between you too!

  19. So what’s the point Objective Thought? Bahamas PRESS DISLIKES HIS NASTY DUTTY VICKED WAYS!

    WHAT’s your point to our dislike to the TRAITOR! Doesn’t the PLP has a website for you to praise your cowardly leader? Why come on here when you know we have issues with his SHAMEFUL TRAITOR LIKE WAYS!

    See you getting the old Bahamas Press fire started again! We wish your DAMN LEADER NO GOOD! NONE WHAT SO EVER, SO GET WITH IT!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  20. @Objective Thought
    But have we ever hid our dislike for Christie? We have never! We have said over and repeatedly, Perry Christie is a FAKE! WUTLESS! LAZY! A SNITCH! A TRAITOR! A GOOD FOR NOTHING PUSSY CAT!

    We haven’t changed that. We haven’t clouded that! We have said it time and time again, WE WISH HIM NO GOOD! So what’s the point?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  21. It is really amazing when BP writes these types of stories about PC because on one hand he calls PC a “pussy cat” and “weak” then on the other hand PC is this strong man who has goons to carry out his wishes whenever he calls on them….

    Which is it BP??? Is PC weak or strong????

    Hatred is a serious thing!!

    Well, On Braves run for deputy leader persons should know who I support.. I support BJ to be the deputy with PC as leader or if PC steps aside, BJ as leader with Fitzgerald or Paul as deputy!!

    I do not support Brave as deputy… We must put country first and I do NOT support a person who OPENLY defends well known drug dealers to be the deputy leader of the PLP or even worse, the Deputy Primeminister!!! I am NOT open for discussion on that because that’s final!!!!

  22. I love political thrillers and my mind often wanders far off but hear me out for a second.

    Is this a grand conspiracy far beyond what we’ve all ventured to think of?

    Is BP merely playing bad cop? Deliberately coming up with bogus new reports, pretending to hate CHRISTIE, riling up PLPs to hate and dismiss the online media organization as it relates to reporting on the Leader?

    Is this reverse strategy to get delegates to sweep in CHRISTIE as leader in the upcoming October convention?

    I don’t expect a confession here, but if I am right, slip into the closet and pat yourselves on the back. It’s BRILLIANT and more importantly its WORKING – lol!

  23. PC attacking Brave Davis makes no political sense to me all. Davis is no threat to him as leader. NONE WHATSOEVER, NADA, ZILCH. Brave is running for deputy not leader.

    How i see it, if PC leads the party into the 2012 elections and is victorious, what then? how can Davis be a threat to him? PC will be the PM! the opposite is true as well, if PC looses in 2012 he is done as leader all together and will probably bow out of politics.

    Him plotting against Brave serves no purpose at all. BP, i think you are the mischievous one trying to ignite something that doesnt exist

    If Brave is making a move for leader he is going about it the right way by positioning himself as #2. PC cant attack him for that, thats stupid. IF PC looses in 2012 Davis, as deputy, is in position to challenge for leader. If PC wins in 2012, Brave will learn the ropes as deputy and will be qualified and experienced to run as PC successor. Its a win win situation for him.

    Now if PC doesnt like Brave, the good thing for Brave is that PC doesnt get to choose who his deputy will be. The party does, thats why attacking him is so stupid and absurd. PC gains nothing by attack Brave.

    This post makes no sense at all. Its another attempt by you to slime the creditability and character of PC. I notice when you talk abouit PC its always inuendo. You never bring facts like you do when you talk about other politicians or other public individuals. Why is that?

    you always talking about the many PLP youths who want PC gone. Well where are they? why wont they make their voices known? Maybe, just maybe, its just you trying to paint a perception that doesnt exist. Considering your hatred for PC it wont surprise me.

    the website is content free. it has a link to Brave’s misconduct page but that page is under construction. LOL! This too jokey. So i will save my comment on that until i actually see something posted on that site that is credible. If nothing is ever posted on the website, that in and of itself would raise questions. But to say that PC is behind that website and is plotting against Davis simply because a supporter of his put it up is a stretch BP.

    Your grasping at straws again media. You take one simple thing and try to stretch it into some big mischievous scheme being originated by PC. Stop it!

  24. A website with no content?

    Maybe this is a conspiracy to sabotage CHRISTIE as opposed to CHRISTIE sabotaging DAVIS…

  25. If this is true, it is truly unfortunate. I was at the press conference and I thought the speech was well done. Brave is a good man and has done a tremendous amount for the PLP and for his PLP colleagues in their deepest time of need, all gratis.

  26. Christie should be ashamed. Brave carried him and the PLP financially. He assisted many a candidate FNM’s also turned out for the Press Conference. How could you back stab a ‘real’ friend?? One thing I will say about Hubert is when they told him to go he left. For God’ sake Christie be a man and GO!!!! P.S. Take the rest ya crew with you!

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