Hundreds of diehard PLP supporters have yet to register in key PLP strongholds! FNM voting areas hold high registration numbers! WHAT DOES ALL THIS SAY?
Nassau, Bahamas – Trouble is setting deep into the circles of the PLP as party officials discover how thousands of die-hard supporters have not registered for the upcoming General Elections.
One of the hot spots for this lack of registration rests within the communities of Centreville and Bain and Grants Town, which have been represented by the PLP for ages. Voter registrations are in their highest numbers in the main FNM strongholds like Killarney.
One observer told BP a failure for the PLP to get its supporters registered, it failure to begin its ground game. The party’s inability to excite the base, and, get its diehard supporters registered could spell disaster in the upcoming elections.
“BP we have gone in key black belt areas where PLPs have voted for more than 50 years and we are uncovering a serious phenomena. PLPs are not registering. I know of one general who told me every time he went to the Parliamentary Registration Centre he saw at least 10 persons who were all cussing the Christie Government! That general also told me when he went the first time in the mall to register the persons committing the process all packed up and said…., dey gern to lunch. Dey mussy FNMS eh?,” the general added.
Last week Bahamas Press projected depressing numbers for the Governing Party in all the northern constituencies. Over the weekend in the community of North Abaco the MP attempted to host an information meeting. The attendance was not only poor but there were three times the amount of chairs, tents and food than the persons in attendance.
What is this facing the Christie Government as it heads quickly into a possible landslide “cutass”!
We report yinner decide!