COB Donates Funds to Assist COB Students Affected by Hurricane Joaquin


COB Donation to NEMA
NASSAU, The Bahamas – Staff, faculty and members of the College of The Bahamas Union of Students (COBUS) teamed up to raise funds for those students who suffered during the passage of the Category 4 Hurricane Joaquin in the Central and Southeast Bahamas in October 2015.

About 149 COB students from Acklins, Crooked Island and Long Island were affected and several fund-raising events were held to assist them as they recovered from the devastation. A total of $1,363.95 was raised.

On Wednesday, February 10, 2016, COB representatives presented a cheque in the said amount to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) officials. Subsequently, food items and other hurricane supplies were also donated to NEMA. Pictured from left are Darvin Toussaint, Director, Campus Life, COB; Eslyn Jones, Vice-President Student Affairs, COB; Captain Stephen Russell, Director, NEMA; Keyron Smith, President, COBUS; Chrystal Glinton, First Assistant Secretary, NEMA; and Shaquille Knowles, COBUS. (BIS Photo/Kris Ingraham)