Could Loretta Butler-Turner be considering joining the Christie Regime?



Christie Regime now waffling on VAT!


The Christie Regime has delayed the proposed VAT TAX!!! The confirmation came following the Cabinet Meeting today where the report confirms the tax will not proceed until a full public consultation exercise is complete. This means the Government will not introduce VAT on the July 1st marked deadline….

BP IS LIVE as Prime Minister Christie is set to leave the country right now for Mexico….

Deputy Leader of the FNM supports Christie on taxing the working poor – despite the hardships now facing workers in the country!

Loretta Butler-Turner - MP for Long Island now breaking away from her party...

Nassau, Bahamas – For a second time in less than a month, MP for Long Island Loretta Butler-Turner has not only flopped against the conversation of her party, but is now on the side of the Christie PLP Regime to tax Bahamians and proceed with a lottery.

Just weeks ago the FNM’s party position had been that Christie has no choice but abide by the will of the Bahamian people and accept the referendum defeat on Jan. 28th last year.

But now, not only the FNM Chairman, but also the FNM Deputy Leader have both gone against their Party and given the Christie Regime the green light to legalize the gaming business despite what the people said in the poll.

Now, this is not good. Something must seriously be wrong in the deputy leader’s head to be flopping so dangerously against the machine of her party.

Butler-Turner, who now agrees with delivering more tax and pain on the Bahamian people, told the Tribune this morning, “We have a large percentage of our population that makes in excess of $600 per week; if we carry out a payroll tax on such persons I think it’ll be a sure way to close up the financial gap.

“At the end of the day, the government seems to be dismissive of most of the suggestions for alternative tax measures.”

The Christie Regime is struggling with the introduction of Vat, particularly after opposition voices have noted that if any additional tax that delivers hardship on the Bahamian people will be reversed under an FNM government.  The statement by Loretta today now must confuse voters.

The Long Island MP, who we now can say believes in gambling and gaming, although she encouraged voters to VOTE NO one year ago, also told the paper, “My position is maybe the national lottery is truly something that the government needs to look at. Something like a national lottery can bring enhanced revenue with very little pain and very little disruption to the business community.

“To me, I think it gives people an opportunity to take those funds they are spending 24/7 and the Bahamas government becomes the recipient.”

Politicos are now wondering if Butler-Turner could be breaking away from the FNM and could be leaning more and more towards an embrace of the Christie Regime PLP.

“The Long Island MP is certainly on a warpath against the positions of her party. She is the Granddaughter of Milo Butler, ya know, and Milo was a PLP to the core. Perhaps Butler-Turner is hearing voices in her ear to suggest she ‘GO BACK HOME’, ’cause from the looks of things she certainly does not agree with the FNM,” a Long Islander told BP.

We report yinner decide!