Crown had no answers in the Court in the Shane Gibson matter this morning… Gov. Q.C. failed to show! BREAKING


Matters adjourn to Nov. 2nd and then 26th….The ENTIRE MINNIS GOVERNMENT IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE AT THE HANDS OF D. SHANE GIBSON! HAS THE QC for the Crown resigned or was he FIRED?

D. Shane Gibson

Nassau – Well we are learning that the Defence in the D. Shane Gibson matter confirmed that the Crown is stalling. The AG office has delivered a local attorney who could not answer the questions being put. The hired QC by the Crown failed to show. Another NO SHOW! We believe he too has probably abandoned the case.

We understand statements and accounts have still not been handed over to the defence. Such written statements and evidence are crucial in the matter.

The Prosecution was warned by Justice Indira Charles to surrender all the material requested through the court. Why police diaries have not been surrenders could only suggest that there is something to hide and that evidence is crucial!

The matter will resume on Nov. 2nd with a direction and procedural hearing would occur. And then, on Nov. 26th the case is expected to begin.

Why is the Crown stalling? This remains a great mystery in our fledging democracy. But we shall wait and see how this ends.

We report yinner decide!