Davis Warns Government To Be Transparent Not Reactionary

PLPs rallying at Gambier House.

Nassau – Opposition Leader Philip ‘Brave’ Davis recently warned the FNM government to cease from being reactionary in their dealings with the European Union crises, advising them that failure to be honest and transparent will result in country being ‘black-listed’ again.

Davis said it is in the best interest of The Bahamas for the government to learn how to be truthful and open in their handling of this situation.

Speaking at the ‘No Lie Lasts Forever’ rally last Wednesday, he disclosed that he is aware how the Prime Minister has lost confidence in his Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest, Financial Services and International Trade Minister Brent Symonette and Foreign Affairs Minister Darren Hendfield.

Moreover, Davis reminded those present that it was Turnquest and Symonette who were together last year at the EU meeting while The Bahamas was being placed on the black list.

“But everything seems to be reactionary with this government as they only know to scramble when trouble comes,” Davis said. “You remember how they reacted after we uncovered in Parliament how the PM misled Parliament on his feet and mislead the public with the fraudulent signing of the OBAN deal in Grand Bahama. “Guess what happened after that? Files disappeared out of the Office of the Prime Minister.”

Additionally, the PLP Leader said that with the Prime Minister going to deal with the EU, the government has now exhausted all of its ammunition. This way of governing, he pointed out, continues to play into the public narrative that the government has no vision and no plan for the country.

“I urge all Bahamians, particularly those who have been disillusioned by the blatant lies upon which this government arose to power, resist cynicism and pessimism,” he said. “The road to 2022 is much shorter than we think! Do not allow this government to cause you to wonder if your vote makes a difference. It certainly does.”

The Opposition Leader will again address supporters this coming Wednesday, Jan. 23rd at a joint meeting at the Doris Johnson High School at 7pm.