Department of Immigration Officers Protest



Officers of the department of immigration walked off their jobs in Nassau and Grand Bahama Friday May 2, in protest of working conditions, promotion and security concerns. What concerns Bahamas Press is the fact that the entire country these days is concerned about security, particularly from the hundreds of illegal immigrants that have taken over corporate and low skilled labour jobs throughout the country. Our photo (above) presents workers in Grand Bahamas protesting.

State Minister Elma Campbell (below) met with media outside the department headquarters building. Minister Campbell stated that she was unaware of any concerns by the department and stated that members of the department know of established protocols if there were concerns. Minister Campbell had to be escorted under heavy guard as she made entry into the department building. Protesters shouted, “IT AIN’T LONG NOW!” as the state minister passed by.


State Minister with responsibility of the department of immigration speaking with reporters outside the office complex.


  1. amused you off the chain, but tell me dont you think that these people deserve to be treated like the other disciplined forces in terms of salary, promotions etc.?

    come on customs and immirgration get jerked around all the time.

  2. How ironic that the Department of Immigration “workers” can go on strike? Maybe they don’t realise that they actually need to WORK? There are hundreds if not thousands of legitimate immigration applicants who cannot get legal status in this country because of the slow and slack performance of Immigration workers. The few good apples are grossly overwhelmed by the bad attitudes, laziness and lack of compassion that most employees there seem to have. I wish personally that every one of them who treats legitimate applicants like dirt has at least one daughter who marries a foreigner, so then they can feel how they treat other people. And I hope it is a Haitian their daughter marries too.

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