DNAs to join Hubert Ingraham this afternoon at the Sheraton? WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS!


Nassau, Bahamas — “The International Community is behind the DNA.” Those were the words of DNA leader, Branville McCartney, at a pep rally at the DNA headquarters over the weekend.

Now get this, Jose Cartellones, the Argentinean company now building the roads, would perhaps agree with McCartney’s statement and the 8,500 Chinese coming to work on the Bahamar project would also thank the DNA leader for his support of them coming to take jobs away from Bahamians. McCartney Parliamentary support for both projects is a matter of documented record while he sat in the Cabinet of the FNM. Therefore, his statement at the small rally is true.

The fact of the matter is this: we in the public would like to know whether or not the Bahamian people are behind Branville’s scatterbrain green party. We believe that is why he is banking on the International Community. [Who cannot VOTE]

This week while on the Chrissy Love show on ZNS, the FNM member for 25-years McCartney said that his wife, along with DNA party officers, would join Hubert Ingraham and the FNM as they together launch the political programme “Volunteer Bahamas”. The DNA leader said it is a good programme and that more than 500 participants had signed up for the programme at the DNA headquarters, far more than had signed up with the FNM.

On October 31st – less than one month ago – Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham launched the programme, noting it will provide a “….Database of volunteers for organizations in need of assistance.”

However, this afternoon at the Sheraton on Cable Beach at 6PM, with much pomp and pageantry, the FNM government has decided to launch the programme again, this time along with the DNA. The launch will be carried live on ZNS.

Bahamas Press wonders when will the people get it? The FNM #1 launches a programme, and the FNM #2 [DNA] joins the programme to help further commit the backside rape of the Bahamian people.

BP believes they are one in the same. They both agreed on the bad road project and voted for the poorly managed deal, which has created a nightmare for Bahamians. Then we cannot forget the agreement by Branville to approve 8,500 Chinese to construct Bahamar as Minister for Immigration, while more than 50,000 Bahamians are still unemployed.

When Papa and his ‘churrin’ volunteer then we at Bahamas Press will volunteer.  When Tommy and his ‘churrin’ volunteer then we at BP will volunteer. When Brent Symonette and his ‘churrin’ volunteer then we at BP ga join the programme.


  1. Please BP, so seem so desperate by posting nonesense like this.

    Didn’t the BahMar project recieve unanimous support in Parliament.
    I guess you don’t want to mess up a good story with the truth.

    This is embarassing my boi, you should pull this one.

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