fnm_8891.jpgMember of the FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT are being asked to attend an EMERGENCY meeting TONIGHT at the party’s headquarters on Mackey Street. The meeting called by Chairman Ferguson, is calling on all heads of organizations, parliamentarians, council members and everyone who wishes to wear red to BE IN ATTENDANCE! The meeting starts at 7Pm tonight! Could a leadership transition be imminent faster than we believe?

In photo is Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham moving to the stage at an FNM rally. Bahamas Press has news that a by-election will be held in 10 months and party movers are also already in search for a new leader.


  1. Marley :@Dibbles The only tee shirt I have fromn last election is a yellow one!! You see that is what is so disappointing with some of you, as soon as you say something you don’t like you hurl insults and make assumptions that are often wrong. We can agree to disagree you. Like I told BP the other day, Blue for life!

    Agreed Marley, we can be adults enough to agree to disagree …. lol…like me and Mr. Dibbles. Altec if the PLP dont act like the country’s official opposition and set THE TORCH under the FNM’s feet, they will be in the opposition again in 2012.

  2. @Dibbles
    The only tee shirt I have fromn last election is a yellow one!! You see that is what is so disappointing with some of you, as soon as you say something you don’t like you hurl insults and make assumptions that are often wrong. We can agree to disagree you. Like I told BP the other day, Blue for life!

  3. Russell J,

    the only way the FNM will be defeated in 2012 is if the PLP get their act together. What is perplexing is right now the FNM is teetering and the PLP is silent. Its obvious that the PLP isnt taking advantage of the bumpy road the FNM is on right now. They are letting a prime opportunity go to waste. As i have stated before on this blog, the PLP leadership has little political instincts.

  4. I just glimpsed a Mr Rolles photo in the Tribune and he is burning the red Torch shirt.Well he will be cussed by diehards but the Rolle family is huge so the fallout will be tremendous.More diehard FNMs need to stop pretending and call a spade a spade.At this rate the fnm WILL BE ANNIHILATED by the time the next Gen Elect rolls around.FNMs it did not have to be like this.

  5. Marley :Media, I just spoke to an MP he is not at any meeting nor does he know about one. Hope you guys are not being fed the wrong info.

    Morning Marley it is easy to prove if there would be a meeting tonight all you would have to do is put on your dirty red shirt and stand at the door at 7:00pm and you would find out,Good luck.

  6. Media, you remember that photo you put up from the PLP last year showing all of the yellow shirts on East Street hill? You think they’re meeting out of fear that an even bigger crowd will be out for the PLP this year? What are you hearing? I know you say a bi election may be coming and a shuffle too but won’t the FNM try to see what the public is thinking first before going to the polls? You think Labour Day will be a test of that? If so, I hope the PLP shows them good.

  7. Lolo lolo well Marley you have reduced the list of your informants and since only a good man Kendal Wright is not in Cabinet I betcha its him.He is considered a renegade so they do not want him anywhere that HAI might be bcos HAI cannot take criticism.Thanks for the clues my good friend Marley.I looked for you at the meeting as well but you must have been on the insiden hiding out.I was tempted to blog from outside FNM HQ to see if I would get a response from you lo lo.

  8. Passed by the FNM HQ and saw a very sparse crowd.They were ducking and dodging andwearing hats and scarfs to conceal their identities.I dont expect them to march on Labour day what a pity.The workers of the country wants to see all those who support the policies of the Govt.

  9. Marley :
    Media, I just spoke to an MP he is not at any meeting nor does he know about one. Hope you guys are not being fed the wrong info.

    What else is new

  10. @Marley
    Well Marley, that just goes to show how much your MP is out-of-touch with his own party so imagine the people of this country. The advert was published on National Radio ZNS 1540AM today and yesterday. I hope he ain’t the MP that is leaving the Cabinet!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

    PS: We hear the budget debate will present the largest pay but in the history of the Bahamas. Where more than 5,000 workers in the public service will be force to retire. Where there will be also a staff freeze and overtime freeze across the civil service.

  11. Well Labour day is fast approaching and many persons in the country who supported the FNM are too ashame to wear red.This is a test to see if they have the guts to take part in the marches considering how awfully bad they are running the country.So Marley and TP go get your red shirts and put them on Labour Day if you still believe the FNM control more than 10% of the Nassau votes.Remember the walkathon ?well only twenty persons showed.The one good thing I have to sday about my good friend Carl Bethel he is always on the Labnour Day march and has not missed one in over 15 yrs.Way to go Carl despite all the challenges you face.

  12. Media, I just spoke to an MP he is not at any meeting nor does he know about one. Hope you guys are not being fed the wrong info.

  13. Wow! Please dont make me laugh tonight. That REALLY is wishful thinking….lol……..but I am curious about what constitutes this “emergency” meeting.

  14. Hopefully they are all going to resign and surrender to the police. They are guilty of treason for the way they are running the country. Wishful thinking I guess.

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