First direct flight from Charlotte, North Carolina, arrives in GB – ITS A NEW DAY!

WELCOME – Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon. Ginger Moxey and Nuvolari Chotoosingh, Manager of Niche Markets at the Ministry of Tourism in Grand Bahama, welcomed guests on the first direct flight from Charlotte, North Carolina to Grand Bahama on Saturday, November 5. The guests disembarked to the welcome of the sounds of Junkanoo provided by the Super Star Rockers. (BIS Photo/Andrew Miller)

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama, The Bahamas – It was a celebratory atmosphere at the Grand Bahama International Airport as 61 passengers arrived on a direct flight from Charlotte, North Carolina, greeted by Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon. Ginger Moxey along with the pulsating sound of Junkanoo.

The American Eagle flight landed at 11:15 am and passengers disembarked to the royal treatment complete with a red carpet.

The flight is scheduled for once a week.

After offering Bahamas Goombay Punch to the visitors, Minister Moxey described the day as “a Grand Great Day” for the island. “We’ve been in North Carolina recently with the Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Aviation promoting Grand Bahama Island and this new flight that is direct from Charlotte, we have Raleigh coming up soon as well, so we’re so excited about the opportunities for Grand Bahama Island for this new increased airlift.”

Toronto, Montreal, and Orlando are also areas where direct flights will be coming to the island.

“Grand Bahama things are looking up. It’s been needed, we’ve been through so much.” Minister Moxey then thanked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments and Aviation, the Hon. Chester Cooper, for focusing on Grand Bahama and what is needed.

She continued, “In collaboration with Tourism, the Ministry for Grand Bahama is working hard to continue to promote Grand Bahama as a touristic center and we want people to know that there’s so much to do on this island. There are so many hidden gems and I believe the people that are here today are going to be able to experience that.”

Her presence and that of the Junkanoo group, the Minister said, is a show of appreciation for the visitors on the first flight from Charlotte, North Carolina, and she felt it important that they “feel the love, feel the heritage, be immersed in our communities and in our culture.”

Stating that she is pleased with the progress of promoting the island, the Minister acknowledged the relationship with the sister city, Concord, which is also assisting in the promotion. With this relationship, she said, “comes business exchange, culture exchange, tourism, humanitarian and education exchanges.”

Nuvolari Chotoosingh, Manager of Niche Markets at the Ministry of Tourism in Grand Bahama, was also on hand to welcome the guests and said the day represented months of negotiations to ensure guests arrive from major areas such as Charlotte.

“Charlotte is a major airline hub out of the United States and so to get a flight out of there, particularly with an airline such as American Airlines that puts someone from the Midwest into Charlotte and then from Charlotte directly into Grand Bahama, that’s phenomenal.”

He congratulated the executive team for “doing a wonderful job” and added they are looking forward to more to come.

A CULTURAL WELCOME – Passengers arriving from Charlotte, North Carolina received a warm welcome at the Grand Bahama International Airport on Saturday, November 5 by Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon. Ginger Moxey and staff of the Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Aviation. As they disembarked, the 61 new arrivals heard the pulsating sounds of Junkanoo, provided by the Super Star Rockers. (BIS Photo/Andrew Miller)
WELCOME – Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon. Ginger Moxey and Nuvolari Chotoosingh, Manager of Niche Markets at the Ministry of Tourism in Grand Bahama, welcomed guests on the first direct flight from Charlotte, North Carolina to Grand Bahama on Saturday, November 5. The guests disembarked to the welcome of the sounds of Junkanoo provided by the Super Star Rockers. (BIS Photo/Andrew Miller)
A PROUD MOMENT – The first direct flight from Charlotte, North Carolina arrived in Grand Bahama on Saturday, November 5 and was welcomed by Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon. Ginger Moxey along with staff of the Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Aviation. The 61 passengers arrived on the weekly American Airlines flight. Minister Moxey is seen with the crew of the flight. (BIS Photo/Andrew Miller)