FNM is proving everyday they are against Bahamians and with the illegal Cubans migrants!


PLP CHAIRMAN - Bradley Roberts






19th September 2013

For immediate release

The admission by the leader of the Cuban protesters of accepting and acting on the advice of the opposition FNM raises serious and troubling questions about the extent of their apparent collaboration and the depth of their subversive relationship in defaming the international reputation of The Bahamas and targeting our number one industry and economic lifeblood.

From the onset of this saga, the FNM and the Miami protesters were in lock step together in their pronouncements about the events surrounding the Cuban detainees and their actions together were harmful to the reputation and economy of The Bahamas.

Dr. Hubert Minnis and Cuban protester Ramon Sanchez, the new bobsie twins were in agreement and repeated each other’s lie that the government of the Bahamas was involved in a cover up when it was patently clear that the claim of abuse was under active investigation

Later, Dr. Minnis called for the resignation of the Hon. Fred Mitchell over this same bogus concoction of a cover up and as sure as night follows day, Mr. Sanchez repeated the same call.

Sanchez now claims that he is “taking the advice of the opposition” about protesting near the Miami International Airport. The salient questions are these: Was Sanchez following the advice of the FNM when his organization erected the defamatory claim on the 40 foot trailer at the entrance of the Miami International Airport with the intent of causing harm to our economy? Did Hubert Minnis and the FNM collaborated with Sanchez to pose a specific safety threat to the Bahamas Embassy in Miami, to target cruise visitors travelling to The Bahamas and to target specific economic interests in The Bahamas called economic blackmail?

Further, Dr. Minnis and the FNM leadership could not have thought that a leak of a classified report during an active investigation and accusing the state of a cover were helpful to the investigation, the parties involved or the reputation of The Bahamas. His behavior was clearly reckless and his intent was malicious because there was no nexus between his claims and the conduct of a Minister of The Bahamas government with regard to the Cuban detainees.

It is clear that Dr. Minnis’ intent was consistent with that of the Miami protesters which was to cause harm to The Bahamas. How far are Dr. Minnis and the FNM willing to go destroy this country in the name of narrow self-interest?

I warn Bahamians that the decision making skills of Dr. Minnis are questionable at best and pose too great a risk to the country because he doesn’t appear to think before he speaks or acts – a risk the Bahamian people can ill afford to take.


Look at the lawless people the FNM are colluding with to break the laws of the Bahamas and protest at the airport! UNBELIEVABLE!!