FNMs cannot make the same error made by the Barbados Labour Party last week


Any leader who cannot take the heat in Parliament should not ever be given the reigns to lead again! FNMs must keep the Coward Name Hubert Ingraham OUT!

FNM supporters in North Abaco will not support Ingraham again. Party must transition with new team and young people or face the music if Ingraham returns.

Civil War Erupts in FNM as Ingraham plots to comeback and destroy the Party and Country!

Nassau, Bahamas — FNMs are being warned to not make the mistake the opposition party of Barbados made this week in reelecting “washed up – has been” former leaders to the head of their organization.

Just today Mia Mottley, Member of Parliament for the Constituency of St. Michael North East, has been named the new Opposition Leader of the Barbados Labour Party (BLP).

Thirteen parliamentary members were present when the announcement was made today by BLP member Gline Clarke.

Mottley replaces former Prime Minister Owen Arthur in the aftermath of the BLP’s defeat in last week’s general election. Arthur was also defeated by the government when he first retire.

She had also replaced Arthur as leader of the BLP following the party’s defeat in the general election held on January 15, 2008, but Arthur subsequently returned as leader of the BLP in 2010.

Last week’s election loss under his leadership, however, sets the stage for Mottley to again return as Opposition leader, positioning herself to become the first female Prime Minister of Barbados if the BLP wins the next general election.

Perhaps if she had remained opposition leader before the greedy Arthur came along, the BLP just may have been government today – and here’s the lesson for the Bahamas’ Free National Movement.

BP reported this morning how Ingraham’s secret working Cabinet is attempting to undermine current FNM strongman Dr. Hubert Minnis.

Minnis met the FNM swimming in a sea of debt after Ingraham left the organization like a child on the doorstep, not showing one ounce of care and concern for the abandoned baby in soiled linen following the May 7th election defeat.

Then, after thrusting a weak candidate in North Abaco on the Party, Ingraham lead the FNM into a second cut hip.

And the same way he [Hubert Ingraham] left the FNM naked and defecating on the doorstep, broke and in debt, today Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry Christie gave a clear report on the state of the nation left in a straight jacket by the Ingraham administration.

Mr. Christie outlined today how unpaid cheques and wire transfers left in the first half of the 2012/2013 budget amounted to some $64 plus million dollars.

Hubert Ingraham like a drunk gambling sailor left the FNM broke, former MPs and Cabinet Minister poor, the country in debt and now wants to come back to kill us off! SAY "NO NO NO"!

Christie explained how Jumpstart left a hole in the purse to the tune of $23 million and teachers pay in the vicinity of over $10 million.

The Prime Minister also shared how poor fiscal planning, bad financial advice and reckless spending by the inept Ingraham Administration drove the country into downgrade after downgrade, threatening the value of the Bahamian currency and created a quagmire of financial recklessness across government Ministries, Departments and Corporations. In short, Christie’s communication today signaled that the days of Hubert Ingraham and his WUTLESS scrap gang are over!

Bahamas Press will advise members of the Executive Council in the FNM and FNMs around to country to be clear – move forward with change. Stay the course with the team you have democratically elected to set a new culture for the Bahamas. GO FORWARD with Minnis, Butler-Turner and Cash!

To look backwards to Hubert Ingraham and his drunk, reckless, wutless dutty ways is death!

Don’t be fooled like the people of Barbados – Bahamians want CHANGE!!!!

We report yinner decide!