Freeport Container Port in Co-op Agreement with Kettering University



FREEPORT CONTAINER PORT and Kettering University have entered a co-op agreement where Corderro Simmons with pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Above Mr. Chris Gray, Chief Executive of Freeport Container Port, Grand Bahama Airport Co., and Freeport Harbour Company, centre, presents Dr. Milton Robinson of Kettering University with a cheque confirming the agreement. Pictured from left to right are Godfrey Smith, Director Freeport Container Port; Dr. Robinson; Mr. Chris Gray; Ms. Malvise Capron, Director Human Resources; and Mr. Raymond Jones, Chief Operations Officer, Freeport Container Port. PHOTO BY GRECHRIS.

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama … Freeport Container Port and Kettering University of Flint, Michigan have entered into a co-op agreement that allows Bahamian student Corderro Simmons to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering in a special programme offered by Kettering University.
Mr. Chris Gray, Chief Executive of Freeport Container Port, Grand Bahama Airport Co., and Freeport Harbour Company, earlier this week welcomed Dr. Milton J. Robinson of Kettering University and confirmed the agreement during a presentation to the University of fees for Mr. Simmons.
“This understanding between Kettering University and Freeport Container Port affords yet another Bahamian student an opportunity to pursue a degree in an area that is all too important to the growth and development of The Bahamas.
“In our effort to assist students, said Mr. Gray, “it is also our hope to encourage them to return home and lend the benefits of their studies to the country.”
Dr. Robinson described Kettering University as a co-op school where students alternate three months of study and three month of on the job work at the sponsoring company.
“Coderro Simmons has completed his first academic semester and did very well. Among his courses was a welding elective relevant to the kind of assignment he will be doing here at Freeport Container Port. He is presently back at Freeport Container Port for his co-op semester, following which he will return to school for the next three month as the programme alternates until he completes his degree in Mechanical Engineering in five years,” advised Dr. Robinson.
Kettering University’s history in The Bahamas includes having had co-op programmes with the Bahamas Oil Refining Company International Ltd., BORCO, Grand Bahama Power Company, and the Bahamas Electricity Corporation. The university, an engineering school with an enrollment of about 2500 students, was formerly General Motors Institute and boast of having some 10 graduates from The Bahamas to date, some working in The Bahamas and others with US companies.
Freeport Container Port, (FCP), situated only 65 miles from Florida, Freeport Container Port (FCP) is the natural trans-shipment hub for the Eastern seaboard of the Americas and the principal East/West Line Haul routes through the region.
FCP is a member of the Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) Group, a subsidiary of the multinational conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL). HPH is the world’s leading port investor, developer and operator with interests in 23 countries throughout Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Today, HPH has operating rights in 45 ports and owns a number of transportation-related service companies.