Government finally fire European Advertising agency


Nassau, Bahamas – At Wednesday’s (May 7th) sitting of the House of Assembly, tourism’s minister Neko Grant said the following. “On Friday past, May 2, 2008, we secured a new advertising agency for Europe. This agency, Fox Kalomaski replaces an agency that has represented us for some 10 years and we felt that in view of the changed environment both in The Bahamas and in Europe that we needed a fresh approach to our marketing efforts.

“We are confident that this new agency will deliver break through creative, targeted media and good integration with our PR efforts.” The Minister told House members.

Early this year Bahamas Press argued that the officials in the ministry of tourism could not be following a silly sarcastic advert being broadcast across Europe, telling persons that there is “NOTHING TO DO” in The Bahamas. We could not believe what we were hearing when we came across the ad. (THIS WAS OUR BLOG POSTING )

However the late decision to cancel the agency cannot tell what kind of damage has already been done to The Bahamas by the advert.

What do you expect from people at Tourism, who did not know until this year that Inagua has one of the most natural habitat of wildlife in The Bahamas? Whatever the case, we are happy to hear the agency is now fired by the Bahamas government. Bahamas Press will be monitoring the work by the new agency in Europe.

(BELOW IS THE Sarcastic ad from the LAST AGENCY)


  1. Am I silly for thinking that by now a Bahamian agency or one with some Bahamian connection could have at least been bidding on these contracts??

    I haven’t notice any exceptional wok or results, so if we’re just experimenting and spending big bucks we had just as well do it and hopefully develop something Bahamian

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