A State of Emergency must be declared on Abaco as more than 200 victims could be declared dead on that island alone in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian….Health Minister Dr. Duane Sands projected that the final count will be “staggering”

ABACO | Bahamas Press is reporting that more than 200 victims could be officially declared dead in Abaco alone in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian.
Piles of bodies are being left alongside the road and in the bushes of Abaco making the island uninhabitable. With no water, power, food and proper sanitation, widespread looting has taken place and has forced a local militia to form to protect their property.
BP can confirm the Cabinet has secured body bag materials to begin the process of removing and identifying corpses all through the affected communities in the hurricane’s aftermath as catastrophic conditions worsen on the ground.
While the official death toll from Hurricane Dorian remains at 23 for now, Health Minister Dr. Duane Sands projected that the final count will be “staggering”, as he revealed that additional morticians are being flown into Abaco and Grand Bahama to embalm the bodies that authorities have limited capacity to accommodate.
However, Dr. Sands said the government will bring in additional refrigerated coolers to properly store the dead.
We report yinner decide!

The photos of those bodies is somebodies family; father, brother, uncle, cousin… We understand the complete devastation means many have died and I believe unnecessary to exploit this issue with displaying someone’s loved one this way. It’s obvious their family have not been notified and they would not want nor wish to see this portrayal of their loved ones last breath. Please respect that. I am sure you would not want your loved one shown this way either.
I find it funny that commenter’s are saying take those pics down and how disgusting it is yet they are on here looking at the photos ?
Shame on the Bahama press for if they think that only they can get ratings for the pictures that they post
In the wake of the hurricane and great humanity and bodily loss let’s do humanity a bigger favor stop posting pictures of people dead we understand and we can visualize in our own brains that people have passed away but there is no need to post these peoples pictures dead.
Well you are commenting right?
The truth is a hard pill to swallow sometimes… I hope yall get the bodies cleaned up soon, in a couple days you’re going to have another problem on your hands if you don’t when they start bloating and breaking open. Then the disease that will come from them will be nasty to say the least. Keep telling the unadulterated truth BP, even though SOME people can’t handle it…
TAKE THIS PICTURE DOWN!!! To the people who took this and I’m sure got paid for them how sick and sad!!! Unbelievable
I totally agree I cannot understand how they can post pictures of dead people I understand the fact that people can visualize what’s going on but there was no need for them to post pictures of dead for shame on them
Some people still haven’t located their missing family yet..I pray to God they don’t find them splashed across the internet like this…how heartless 🙁
You all have no respect for the Dead, i listed to your Prime Minister saying not to post photos of the Dead yet still a news organization like you more concerned about hype than respect for peoples love one. Shame on you.
so what, therer dead.
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