Hard-heel photographer fled the capital and is hiding deep inside the bushes of Cat Island as $4.5 million shows up mysteriously in her bank account!


The photographer was a part of the FNM RIPP-OFF IN THE FOOD PROGRAMME where $54 million goes unaccounted for!

The Minnis camerawoman turn millionaire.

NASSAU| A hard-heel gal deep inside the Free National Movement has fled to Cat Island – deep in the bushes – to evade police questioning about her $4.5 million-dollar bank account.

The gal, who supposed to be employed as a photographer inside the Office of the Prime Minister when Hubert Minnis served as PM, has fled the capital.

The photographer was hired by the Feeding Programme which is now under a serious investigation for an unaccounted $54 million in public money!

The photographer, who was supposed to be employed at the Bahamas Information Services, has failed to show up to work. But that’s another story for another day!

BP understands the big rip-off with the feeding programme funds starts with generals like the photographer who were engaged by the former PM to pack grits, tuna, and corned beef and paid handsomely for it. The money was to be shared with others in the communities, but the hard-heel photographer decided to keep all the money for herself (millions).

FNM generals are blue mad with Minnis and the photographer for ripping off all those funds and this could soon end up in a magistrate court to demand serious explanation. 

But while many look into this suspect now hiding deep in the bushes of Cat Island, we believe more serious and dangerous theft could be from the Sports Authority, where a female politician has plenty of explaining to do. She too was also a close friend to the former Prime Minister and onetime left her red g-string on his door.

We ga report and let yinner decide!