Hubert on Vacation and Carl 'Undernourished' Bethel is Acting PM


pm-vacation-1Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham and his wife, Deloris, left Nassau August 6 for their annual holiday. They are to return August 18. They were seen off Wednesday afternoon by Cabinet Secretary, Mrs Anita Bernard and Police Commissioner, Reginald Ferguson.

Nassau, Bahamas – Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham left Nassau today for two weeks of vacation leave.  He will return on August 19.

During the Prime Minister’s absence Minister of Education Hon. Carl Bethel will act as Prime Minister from 5 August to 9 August, and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Brent Symonette will act from August 10 to 18 August.
Minister of State Hon. Zhivargo Laing will act as Minister of Finance from 5 August to 18 August.


  1. What is so befuddling is the fact that some FNM rabid supporters still come on this site dfending the ineffectiveness of HAI and his band of boot lickers.We are in crisis and from what I see happening a General Election is near.After the Gen Elects a Commission needs to be established to investigate the Human Rights record of this vindictive and spiteful Govt.By the way I dont blame the others in line for getting lost as too much wood is in the fire and the voices of opposition are getting stronger.Brent as the acting PM for one week is not a job he desires at this time with the Saunders Beach situation totally out of control.Run Brent run and hide,but remember to cover yourself.You get swing,no big thing.

  2. DPM is not a constitutionally recognized post. I’m surprised he is serving as acting PM at all with all the mud being slung at him as he is at the center of all of these “SPECIAL INTERESTS” initiatives. Ingraham led those two lambs to the slaughter. It was strategic. One is in the face of the nation beign burned in effigy and the other had to announce that 300 plus young people will sit in their family rooms, legs crossed and clipping thier fingernails as opposed to furthering their education.

    HIA flung them in the fire ans I assure you like Job they won’t come forth as gold.

  3. @Johnny Tucker
    I know the individual and remember the case going to Coroners Court and the Policeman being cleared by a jury.In my mind if any offer was made that would have been in respect to a civil matter where offers are made before trial.Besides the father is a strong supporter of the FNm so he should go talk with HAI.I can never forget the shirt he wore as he sold newspapers by the Queen Elizabeth Sports center,”Rastas for FNM”.Since there are many FNM operatives on this site ,they need to advise their Leaders to respond to the allegation.HAI is on vacation with his wife so he needs to have the opportunity to just cater to her.

  4. Did any of you watch Cable News 12 at all yesterday evening? A Bahamian male was on accusing The acting “CRIME” MINISTER ” FOUL” Carl Bethel for Bribery…. It is alleged that some 10 yrs ago this individuals son was killed by Bahamian law enforcement officers. The current “CRIME” Minister Bethel, is said to have offered this individual $15,000.00 to drop the case. This Bahamian male claims that the case never came to light…..

    Wow …. I’m sure proud to be Bahamian…

  5. In my mind, once the PM is not here, there’s only one person to fill in. I didn’t realize they were playing musical chairs. I don’t think Hubert trusts any of them.

  6. I thought all the members of parliament the FNM and PLP were on VACATION from May 2, 2007. Kerzner was running from then.
    All the MPs in parliament are on VACATION and out to lunch! Hubert Minnis did not even know Kerzner was building road under “HIS” bedroom window, the amazing thing is he admit and told the people “?? WHAT! I didn’t know a road was being built in my constituency”
    Mr. Christie is Mr. LATE AGAIN. But Minnis seems to always be LOST!
    On another note did you listen Mr. Bethel yesterday explaining the NGA he also seems to be LOST!
    But BP you better watch out, Carl Bethel has the POWER for one week to try to get you even with you, WATCH OUT!

  7. As far as I’m concern my wish is that Hubert never returns to the Bahamas and the rest of his dam wutliss FNM ministers follow him and just leave the country ……..for what have been perpetrated on this country in the past two almost three years have been a travesty …the next to last nail in the coffin will be Arawak cay followed by the incompetent Ministry of Tourism (so far the blogs about the Bahamas hosting Miss Universe has been horrible with one int’l blogger asking “if there is any cameras in the Bahamas.” ) the country wasn’t ready for caribfest so how in the holy hell we was ready for Miss Universe anybody ask that question……..The price tag for Carib Fest was to be 5-10million dollars the price tag for this Miss Universe was not even mentioned to the public well the last I heard was well over 5 Million.

    Bahamians I will say it again There sames to be a good amount of persons who blog on this site who same to be on the right track and I ask all of you to lets stop the talk ,unite and start the change that is needed in this country…..I hope that HAI and his FNM wutless MP’s all sale away ,never to return .

  8. Carl Bethel will act as Prime Minister from 5 August to 9 August

    Carl Bethel? Really? HAI choose him over Branville? I hope Branville on vacation too then cause if not, thats a diss.

  9. Tommy dem does take a yearly vacation too. Not sure about the time of year, but this time of year makes sense. It is a big Family affair.

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