Illegal foreign national killed last night in Freeport did political work for a sitting Cabinet Minister tied to Save the Bays…?


Could victim’s work with Human Trafficking be the cause of his murder?

First murder victim for the year – Joel Augustine. He did work for a Cabinet Minister tied to Save The Bays.

Freeport – Bahamas Press is learning more about that murder last night, which confirms the victim might have been also a recruit of Save the Bays tied to the work of a sitting Cabinet Minister!

BP is learning that Joel Augustine was an undocumented Haitian National who was contracted by a sitting Cabinet Minister to do work for Save the Bays leading into the General Elections.

We are also learning that he was a popular radio host who used his connections through radio to engage in the human trafficking game. But it gets worse.

We are told Joel had undertaken to arrange for sea transportation for a number of illegal Haitians to the USA over the weekend, but, due to bad weather, he was unable to comply.

Could his failure to deliver before Dec 31st have resulted in his death? This is all interesting because this now also suggests that a sitting Cabinet Minister in the Minnis–led Government could have been working with the trafficker?!

Standby as BP goes deeper into this latest police investigation.

We report yinner decide!