Inflated bonuses and huge profits are the drivers behind pharmacy closures today as the Davis Government steps in to protect the sick and poor!


One agent connected to Hubert Minnis enjoys a $150,000 annual bonus selling drugs!

NASSAU| The greedy pharmacies decided to close their doors and hurt poor Bahamians in need of medication – all because they want to protect their hefty profits and bonuses.

BP has learned a known sales agent connected to a disgraced former Prime Minister and connected with a lucrative contractual agreement is behind this exercise. 

It is therefore safe to say the greedy actions of the pharmacies are in lockstep with the Free National Movement.

Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis KC MP is hellbent on protecting the poor and the vulnerable from the inflated unjustified processes being inflicted on the poor. Leaders in the FNM cannot say the same. In fact, those in the FNM are against the poor and the government’s efforts.

Bahamas Press, however, now has information that confirms pharmacy agents, particularly the one woman connected to Hubert Minnis, enjoys her $150,000 annual bonus earned from the high sale of drugs to the poor.

We demand pharmacies to reveal their bonuses to the public. Show us the books which justify your unconscionable prices on the sick in the country. SHOW US THE MONEY!


We report yinner decide!