Ingraham Legacy Secured as FNMs seek new Leadership – The Dissident Five Emerge – Part 1


Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham

Nassau, Bahamas — It may come as a shock to some and as a bombshell to others as Bahamas Press has now learned there is a hemorrhage of foot soldiers in Party of the late Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield.

FNM around the country celebrated its converted rise to victory at the polls toppling the once mighty Pindling Progressive Liberal Party. Hubert Ingraham, known at that time as the ‘Delivery Boy’ and now ‘Papa’, on August 19th, 1992 sailed into power 18 years ago on the winds of change and with a message of Deliverance.

Readers would remember back in the day after a global recession following the Gulf War, Ingraham was swept into power on a truckload of promises, which matured to the benefit of thousands across the country. Ingraham opened the airways – his greatest achievement – giving Bahamians across the length and breadth of the country the freedom to speak their mind [Now the Tribune and The Pillsbury Doughboy wants to change that]. With that single achievement Ingraham opened enterprises and developed scores of new opportunities in broadcasting.

One cannot forget the FNM’s 1992 – 2002 startling legacy of massive capital development works, which saw the construction of more than 10 new public schools, 5 clinics, and new Ministry of Education, Health and Customs buildings.

The nation saw the start of the country’s largest road and infrastructure program commenced under the FNM’s watch. We saw the strengthened equal opportunities for women, the bold delivery of the minimum wage, which also balanced the steadfast dip in unemployment numbers all across the Bahamas.

Hubert Ingraham brought Atlantis to the country, which today is the second largest employer. With Ingraham, during that period, we saw greater airlifts to the Bahamas. We saw more cruise passengers arriving at ports of call throughout the islands.

Following the 1992 win, we saw a revival of Grand Bahama, ‘FNM COUNTRY’, with major investors landing in the nation’s second city.

By the end of Ingraham’s first team in office Bahamians possessed the jealous need to keep Ingraham in office for another term. He worked hard and tirelessly for the growth and development of the Bahamian people. By the end of his term in 2002 his accomplishments were glaring, outstanding, ambitious, and bold, which had left an indelible mark on the Joshua generation.

Today the Bahamas is a different place under Hubert Ingraham, with tensions are mounting deep into the roots of Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield’s Party. Sources now on the ground inside the organization tell us a movement is organizing to find new blood to lead the FNM. What could be the reason[s] for this sudden assault to remove Ingraham as Party Leader? Find out in Part 2 of ‘The Dissident Five Emerge’ only on Bahamas Press.


  1. What I find strange is despite the fact the author of this article is balanced in her presentation, why is there still criticisms to the piece? Hubert is hailed a as a National Hero, yet some still in their crude political spite reject it as a lie. Boi I tell ya.


  2. I think for the most part every Bahamian knows Our Prime Minister has done what no other has done for this country Some of our Bahamian people are just laid back and want everything for free .
    When the so called Sir Lynden was in power everybody and there ma had money, why he let the drugs in this country it was fine with all you’ll hypocrites did not see anything wrong with it than because you’ll was enjoying it .Now Papa came to power had to deal with all that mess and much more to get us to where we are today.BP for sure is the biggest hypocrite.SMUGGLING,MURDERS,CORRUPTION,RAPE,CRIME AND THE POOR ECONOMY WERE ALL DUE TO LYNDEN OSCAR PINDLING.Is correct when you allow drugs this is what it brings about don’t blame Papa for this bunch of bullshit this was here before he got started and he he still trying to clean up this mess Keep up the good works Papa there are people out there who see your vision for change ,but some Bahamians don’t like change all they want is talks about what is going to change or happens and it never gets done .Laid back now that the state is in a slow slump everybody wants to blame Papa .When you’ll go to the US or where ever you’ll pay you’ll tax without grumbling so when Papa say we have to pay taxes you’ll have a problem how else we suppose to pay back the monies that he borrow to help each and everyone of us in this country and even those roaches that Sir Lynden made sure populated our country to do whatever they feel like because they think they are a part of this country .BP please stop looking at this from one side of the fence.

  3. oh BP, How much more of these “Breaking News” that are announced with a promise to bring the story later, that we your readers must endure.

    while the initial “Head line” may send your ratings northward, your failure to bring the story is certainly plummeting your credibility southward.

    I look forward to the day when this country would say thank you and good bye to both messrs: HAI & PGC and a few others in both camps.
    but fabricating a story does nothing to bring that reality about.

    Get it together, ma bruddah!!!

    • Krossova – I’ve been reading this junk long enough to understand that “BOMBSHELLS” in BP’s world are nothing more than firecrackers, at best. There IS no credibility to the rubbish often posted as news articles on this site.

  4. Preach on Willard Preach on it is obvious you are on the payroll of the Party. That being the case, PLEASE, PLEASE, go and get your cheque, its the weekend.


  5. Must we have to endure these make up stories in the mind of BP about a leadership struggle against our noble leader, let me say it one more time, no it is not true it is all in the mind of BP.

    Sad indeed, Hurbert goes to sleep and sleep comfortable and BP cannot even sleep without telling lots of lies each and every day.

    Make believe.

  6. Quite an impressive synopsis of the FNM’s first two terms in office. If we were to only remove the political splints from our eyes, and odbjectively assess this third term, we would see that the acheivements are equally as impressive. It is healthy, I think, to agitate for new leadership if only to ensure that the country developes with the times. In our post-independence history, we have had two legendary leaders – Sir Lynden and Mr. Ingraham. Sir Lynden overstayed his usefulness and this negatively weighed on his legacy. Mr. Ingraham is headed along the same path if he continues on as leader of the FNM. I pray that he would see the wisdom of passing on the mantle in the interest of party and, by extension, the country.

  7. Mr.Hubert Alexander Ingraham said DRUG SMUGGLING,MURDERS,CORRUPTION,RAPE,CRIME AND THE POOR ECONOMY WERE ALL DUE TO LYNDEN OSCAR PINDLING.The Bahamas was experiencing a terrible recession due to the Gulf’s war and a WORLDWIDE RECESSION,however mr.Ingraham said the country’s recession was due to mr.Pindling’s mismanagement.Mr.Ingraham said a vote for the FNM WILL SOLVE AND ERASE ALL OF THESE PROBLEMS.Well 18 years later i can only say that the situation has gone from BAD TO WORST!!!Mr.Ingraham has DECIMATED the middle class.For the first time NATIONAL INSURANCE HAS SPEND MORE MONEY THAN IT TOOK IN,during the 2009 year!!!The USA has ALWAYS placed the BAHAMAS on the list of a major DRUG transit country but last year it added our name to a MAJOR DRUG PRODUCING COUNTRY.CRIME AND MURDER are now so frequent that we don’t even talk about it anymore.YES,MR.INGRAHAM’S LEGACY IS SECURE-AS A FAILURE!!!

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