Ingraham seems to have no respect for residents of GB


Oswald Brown



Here’s a question: When did Pakeisha Parker-Edgecombe become a “government official?” Apparently, Prime Minister Hubert “THE DICTATOR” Ingraham has used his dictatorial powers to appoint her to his government.

If that’s not the case, then why was Parker-Edgecombe officially participating as a “government official” during what Saturday’s Freeport News described as the “long awaited contract signing and groundbreaking for Sunset Cultural Village” that took place Friday in Eight Mile Rock?

On page one of The Freeport News, there’s a photo of Parker-Edgecombe, shovel in hand, actually participating in the groundbreaking, and on page 2, she is seen, pen in hand, actually signing or pretending to sign the contract.

Of course, Minister of Public Works and Transport Neko Grant, also participated in the groundbreaking and contract signing, and was quoted in The Freeport News as saying, “Today we are here to advance this project to construct the cultural center and fish fry as promised on the original site along the shoreline. The cultural center and fish fry will feature a pavilion for a band stand, administration building, standardized vendors’ booths, public toilet facilities and parking lots.”

Clearly, Ingraham seems to have no respect for residents of Grand Bahama and must think that they are fools. He surely can’t really believe that voters in Grand Bahama will allow this blatant attempt to make it appear that he cares about their welfare, just slightly more than a week before the general election, and forget about how he totally neglected Grand Bahama over the past five years.

Indeed, these past five years under Hubert Ingraham’s FNM administration have been a like a living hell for Grand Bahamians and they will not forget that it was because of his harsh, spiteful and vindictive policies that Grand Bahama now has an unemployment rate in excess of 20 percent, the highest in its history.

They will not forget about the cruel and willful decimation of Grand Bahama’s once vibrant middle class sector.

They will not forget how some of them worked so hard to provide the best possible education for their children but could no longer afford to pay the fees to keep them in private schools.

They will not forget how much of a daily struggle it has been to put food on the table for their families.

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham has also poorly managed the Bahamian economy but is so drunk with power he will wait until the Bahamain people fire him at the next general elections. He spoke badly about the judges according to WIKILEAKS!

They will not forget how difficult it has been to make their mortgage payments and the anguish of losing their homes when they were unable to do so for an extended period.

And what made these agonizing experiences more painful is the fact that Ingraham’s neglect of Grand Bahama was because of his hatred for one man, Hannes Babak, the former chairman of the Grand Bahama Port Authority, who was denied a work permit in December of 2009.

What’s more, all five of the Grand Bahama’s FNM representatives in the House of Assembly, including Neko Grant and two other cabinet ministers, remained absolutely silent as Ingraham totally neglected Grand Bahama.

Nonetheless, I really think that Ingraham believes that he can induce Grand Bahamians into forgetting all of these things by promoting Pakeisha Parker Edgecombe, the FNM’s candidate for West Grand Bahama and Bimini, as doing something for the residents of Eight Mile Rock.

But as The Freeport News noted, the project was “long awaited,” so why only a week or so before the election, ground has just been broken and the contract has just been signed for the Sunset Cultural Village in Eight Mile Rock?

Surely, this disgraceful charade will not help Pakeisha Parker Edgecombe in West Grand Bahama and Bimini, and neither will it help the other FNM candidates in Grand Bahama: Neko Grant in Central Grand Bahama; Kwasi Thompson, in Pineridge; Norris Bain, in Marco City; and Peter Turnquest, in East Grand Bahama.

Indeed, there are strong and clear indications that voters in Grand Bahama have decided that they can no longer allow Ingraham to continue to mismanage this country’s economy as Minister of Finance nor continue to lead this country in the direction he is taking it as Prime Minister. They will vote overwhelmingly, along with the majority of the voters in The Bahamas, to fire him and his incompetent FNM government.

Personally, I’m convinced that the PLP will win all five seats in Grand Bahama.
