Ingraham's Gift to the Children of Elizabeth!


Natona debt

You guessed it, the national debt of the Bahamas is approaching $4 billion, which must be paid on the backs of the unborn. Hubert Ingraham’s FNM government is taking the country in the wrong direction! The children unborn in Elizabeth now has to repay a $12,600 each on this debt.


  1. Sade, you call me the cool aid drinker and your only proof to refute my evidence is to quote papa? Dont believe me? Fine, then go to the Central Bank of the Bahamas’ website and check out the numbers for yourself.

  2. Ok Altec…you drinkin the purple kool aid….sorry buddy….you want to support liars and cheats – you do that.  Oh – Papa told us what all money has been spent for and informed us that the PLP raided our treasury.   Sea Hauler buddy.

  3. Sade, let me help you get your facts straight.

    When the FNM took office in 1992 the national debt stood at 1.4 billion dollars.

    I know its hard for you to believe but the fact is the PLP in its 5 years didnt borrow bulk the remaining  2.3 billion. So do you want to a guess as to who borrowed it? Even when times were good in the mid to late 90’s HAI government was still borrowing huge sums of money and no one, especially the media, questioned it.

    With the FNM borrowing  over $2 billion in 3 terms, I ask you Sade, what do they have to show for it? And with 2 yrs left in this term, the debt will likely surpass the $4 billion mark. Most of which would have been borrowed under HAI and the FNM administration!

  4. That debt was incurred by PLP govt.   Oh, I forgot.  You lie just like the former govt.  Glad we all can read now and the information is widely available on the web to dispute this mess.

  5. You indeed had a BIG BIG rally. WE counted 100 taxi cabs lined along Prince Charles Drive. I wonder why is that?


    • I guess that was that large group of Bahamian students that return from all over the world to vote FNM on 16 Feb.. most of them came in last night…

      They came from all over the world… and guess what the majority paid their own way….

      Sure sign that Sands just get it going on….

      BP, eat ya heart out…

      We get this one..

      • That was the FNM busing in there supporters from throughout Nassau.Oh and by the way I saw you at the PLP rally with your mouth open surprised to see that Elizabethans were present by the hundreds.Eat your heart out and get used to facing defeat you PLP hater.

  6. BP ya get it bad… campaigning hard for the PLP… well, it een long naw… Lizzie ga go all the way with papa.. and you ga be right here.. mad as hell..

    Eat ya heart out…

    We had a big rally tonight.. and I did see ya at the PLP small gathering the other night.. you all smiling looking like … hush ma

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