Ingraham’s resignation to the Parliament this week…

Former Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham.

Hubert Ingraham’s Resignation Communication to the Parliament last week Wednesday…

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD -Ingraham-Remarks-Resignation-from-Parliament-Undelivered-on-House-Floor_1

On Thursday past I submitted my letter of resignation as a Member of the Honourable House of Assembly to the Speaker of the House of Assembly to take effect on the 31 August of this year. This will bring to a close 35 years of public life during which I strove to be an agent for change for better for all our citizens.

It has been a long journey; one filled not only with the highs of victory and accomplishment but also with the lows of defeat, dismissal from Cabinet in 1984, and recent defeat at the polls for the party I led. In office, I always did my best. And I worked tirelessly.

I was truly a political nobody when, at the age of 25, I was selected by the then Leader of the governing party to manage the re-election campaign of my predecessor as the Member of Parliament for Coopers Town…


  1. Excellent speech. Its a pity that he was not allowed to present this in parliament…but such is life. The speech is appropriate to posterity and to history. This is not about Ingraham. He has exited the political stage. It is about the people of The Bahamas. Remember, Mr. Ingraham never elected himself to parliament, and by extension, to the office of Prime Minister. He was a representative of the people…all of the people. So no matter what you think about Ingraham, the man, the government of The Bahamas has done its people a grave disservice by denying their former Prime Minister the opportunity to address the parliament. What a shame. I hope that Mr. Christie gets an opportunity to address the parliament when he decides to quit. This nonsense cannot continue.

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