Kenneth, Neko and Vernae OUT! Three FNM MP axed by Papa’s blade


Behold the ax is laid at the Foot of the Tree... The woodsman cometh! Keep ya eye on him the real barefoot bandit.

Vernae 'Da Village Idiot' Grant is no more carrying the Torch.

Breaking news now coming out of Grand Bahama …

Freeport, GBBP can confirm both Kenneth Russell and Neko Grant will no longer carry the torch for the Free National Movement in Grand Bahama.

Our sources in the party’s apparatchik confirmed late last night that Michael ‘Crazy Boyyo’ Pintard has finally found a home. He is set to replace The Uncircumcised Philistine [Kenneth Russell].

According to a well-placed source in the FNM, “Papa is treating Kenneth Russell and Neko Grant like he treated a lion of the party, Maurice Moore. He discarded him like toilet paper and dropped him in the commode. We on Grand Bahama do not like it. We hate the disrespect and will vote the FNM out!”

Meanwhile like the ‘night of the long knives’ in 1977 when Papa served as then Chairman of the PLP, with vengeance sliced and diced PLP candidates left right and centre, he is now doing the same with generals of the FNM.

Sources tell us that Norris Bain, a newcomer, is set to replace Neko ‘Bad Roads’ Grant, who we are told is taking multiple shot of gin and tonic at this hour at his popular hangout [The back seat of his car].

Other candidates to run in GB for the FNM are Zhivargo ‘Crybaby Sour’ Laing, who will contest Marco City, and Kwasi Thompson, who will keep Pineridge.

Vernae ‘Da Village Idiot’ Grant, who is dumb as Dora the doll and is being considered the Sarah Palin of the Bahamas, is no more and is still waiting on an answer from an email she sent weeks ago to Brent. She has not been favoured with a response, which we believe may come after nomination day.


This one for NEKO ‘BAD ROADS” GRANT….


  1. helicopter earl, and mona vie laing will cost him!!! it clearly show that he lost touch with reality they should be in jail.

  2. Listen here man, I’ve supported The P M when he took office in 1992 and supported him in every election he ran as the ‘real’leader of the party.
    As a matter of fact, I’ve been supportig the FNM when it wasn’t a popular thing to do.

    It is my believe, that Mr. Hubert Ingraham is wise to shed dead weight like Kenneth and Neko, but he and his party should come to the realization that The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, is himself, has become a liability, and should recognize that he has reached that place, where we were told by him in 1992 that he would not wear his welcome out like Sir Lynden did.
    He went on to say that the people of The Bahamas would not have to vote him out of office. That he, Hubert A. Ingraham would leave when the people are asking him to stay.

    well Mr. Ingraham, I held on to those wise statements.
    you also told us in 2007 that you are even more wiser now, and I believe you are. but I encourage you sir, to take your good advice, and step off the scene. we are forever grateful to you.
    I believe you sir, did a number of thing to advance our country and our way of life, but……………

    I want to be most respectful to you sir, please consider my words, a supporter of yours. Take your well deserved leave.

    we love you and we thank you sir for your contributions that will carry this country, probably beyond our years.

    • Respectful hell!
      He should just go….Carry his psychologically impaired ass.
      He has a comfortable and wealthy but lonely and unfulfilling life out of politics ahead of him, where people will boo and jeer him, or point at him and smirk as he parades his ugly ass by.
      This is his reward for the brash arrogance,unheeding bullheadedness and pure spite with which he ran our country.
      Too bad he can’t take Perry with him..!

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