Letter Writer Says It is Right and Proper for Neko Grant to not offer in the General Elections

Neko 'DRUNK AGAIN' Grant


If the news reports are to be believed, then the Hon. Neko Grant, Minister of Works and Transport, will stand down from the next General Election and will NOT defend his seat in Lucaya ! For many of us who have been disparaging against the Free National Mess, this is music to our ears because it is our fervent that the Minister’s resignation is merely the beginning of the end that the rest, including the Hon. Zhivargo Laing (Marco City) will soon follow like a stack of dominoes.

The Governing Party has consistently alienated the Bahamian people and the Grand Bahama MP’s have alienated the people of Grand Bahama over the past 4 years. Therefore it is right and proper for Neko Grant to resign now and it is also right and proper that he should be followed by every single one of the Grand Bahama MP’s starting with the Hon. Zhivargo, who by the way, must first apologize to the people of Grand Bahama, especially his constituents in Marco City, for disappointing them time and time over the past 4 years.

Despite being generally regarded as the Prime Minister’s ‘right hand man’, responsible for Grand Bahama, he has not sought to leverage this power with the party or to use his own initiative to help Grand Bahama. So if he cannot apologize off his own volition, then I apologize on his wretched behalf because despite being given opportunity after opportunity to rejuvenate Grand Bahama, he has consistently turned his back or FAILED miserably in his paltry attempts So, to the people of Grand Bahama, I apologize profusely on behalf of the Hon. Zhivargo Laing for all of the following ( and please accept another apology in case I miss anything below):

  • (1) Failing to re-open the Royal Oasis Hotel
  • (2) Being unable to negotiate a deal for the old Princess properties..
  • (3) Sitting as a spectator on the sidelines while the row between the owners of the Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) stagnated into an impasse.
  • (4) Sitting as a spectator on the sidelines while the Grand Bahama unemployment line grew as long as a football field.
  • (5) Allowing further lay-offs from Our Lucaya Hotel & Casino.
  • (6) Watching as Freeport, the nation’s second city and once the hope of the region, slides into degradation.
  • (7) Standing by helplessly as the buildings fell into disrepair and cars become homes.
  • (8) NOT hearing the ‘cries’ of my people as they had their lights, Water, Phone and cable turned OFF.
  • (9) Protecting my self-interests as the economy was brought to its knees, around me.
  • (10) Pretending to be interested in the welfare of my fellow Bahamians

To the people of Grand Bahama, and Freeport (Marco City) particularly, I beg you to accept my heartfelt apology and will understand completely if you should choose not to support me or my Party in the upcoming General Election ! We have been negligent in the dispatch of our duties and we do not deserve another five years

To see Zhivargo Laing out of office (preferably on golden tide taking him and his band of incompetents out to sea) will not only bring joy to my heart, but to the hearts of THOUSANDS of Bahamians, Grand Bahamians, DNA, FNM and PLP alike. Good riddance Neko and may the rest follow you closely on your heel- Don’t let the doors to power hit you up ya backside on the way out!!

J. Maxfield Outten
Freeport, Grand Bahama


  1. This Clown, Minister Grant seem to be ageing rapidly, it looks like the road works that’s going on in the capital has him ‘stressed out’. Minister you will have lots of time to rest after the people kick you in your pants seat.

  2. BP,

    I couldn’t agree more, the motley crew of FNM’s in Grand Bahama have failed both Grand Bahama and The Bahamas. I just hope all of we Grand Bahamians do whats needed to improve our situation….get rid of the wutless muppets playing MP in Grand Bahama!

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