Man found guilty of manslaughter in the killing of Doris Johnson High Student Adonai Wilson in 2015 goes free in Court of Appeal…


Doris Johnson student Adonai Wilson stabbed to death in 2015.

Nassau – We recall doing this story back in December 2015 when a Doris Johnson High Student Adonai Wilson, the son of a prison officer, was fatally stabbed in an afterschool fight one hot afternoon.

The incident unfolded on video for the entire world to see. Wilson was the 139th homicide victim that year and this week in the Court of Appeal a suspect who was found guilty of manslaughter got his break to get off.

The Court of Appeal Judges in a 13-page ruling ruled “conviction and sentence quashed”. They laid out a careful argument, which by extension suggested that, since two witnesses in the trial failed to appear, the conclusion of a conviction by the lower court could not stand.

Durante Davis, who was accused of providing the knife used in that deadly attack, must now walk in the world with a heavy heart. Adonai Wilson is dead and the young people at Doris Johnson know just how this whole affair happened.

But some people believe they can do bad, use the system and get off. All we at BP say is this: LIFE DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY! You really never get off after doing wrong.

We report yinner decide!