In the Supreme Court today 11th November 2020 via Zoom, inmate CHRISTOPHER FORBES appeared before Her Ladyship the Hon. Ms. Tanya Lobban-Jackson for re-sentencing in accordance with the Parole of Prisons (amendment) Ordinance.

TCI| Lady Justice Tanya Lobban-Jackson re-sentenced CHRISTOPHER FORBES to a natural life imprisonment sentence without parole for the murder of Yuneiry Veras and another natural life imprisonment sentence without parole for the murder of Sonrineida Moreno Arias.
This is the first time in the history of the Turks and Caicos Islands known Judicial operations that a person has ever faced such harsh and severe sentences for any offence including murder whereas he can never be considered for parole by order of the Court.
FORBES attorney Mr. Craig Oliver did challenge the constitutionality of the “re-sentencing” but the constitution motion failed in the Supreme Court also before Her Ladyship Mrs. Tanya Lobban-Jackson.