Marvin Dames now under cross-examination has revealed that Dr. Duane Sands referred Barbara Hanna to him…


Dames made telephone calls to virtual complainant Barbara Hanna court informed…

Barbara ‘BAG FULL A MONEY’ Hanna and Minister Duane Sands!

Nassau – 4:24PM: BP Live updates are now coming in from the Nassau Street Court where Minister for National Security Marvin Dames has taken the stand.

He is now in the hands of Defence Attorneys who are wailing him like a drum

Under the grilling cross-examination of KD Knight Q.C., Minister of National Security Marvin Dames is being grilled. He is shaking and is responding to questions with deep confusion.

Knight accused Dames of meddling in the case, which is contrary to his office as Minister of National Security.

Minister for National Security Marvin Dames.
Dames under oath has agreed that any political interference can change the complexion of a case and can be seen as pressure.

Additionally, Dames amended his statement for a second time again this morning. This has just been disclosed in the court.

Records show Dames called Hanna 13 times in 17 days including twice on 8th June…5 times of 9th June…once on 20th June 2017.

Now here’s the big shoe which dropped today: Marvin Dames has thrown the Minister for Health under the bus. He told the court Magic Touch’s owner Barbara Hanna – the cleaning company at the centre of the Frank Smith bribery trial – was referred to him by Minister of Health Duane Sands.

Readers should remember Sands secured and caused to be approved a $1.8 Million contract for Barbara Hanna. What was that for? Was that for the exchange of her testimony? Boy this will not end well! Sands needs a good lawyer!

This is Collusion! This is Interference in a police Investigation! This is persecution of a citizen of the Commonwealth! And as BP said from the beginning, “Who went to the police if Ms Hanna told the court she avoided the police?”

What is this? The case is still ongoing but we had to drop this to bring yinner up to speed…

We report yinner decide!

Paul Rolle has completed answering questions by Jenkins and cross examination by Knight and has been released by the Chief Magistrate. Court #9 of the Magistrate Court South Street.

The case resumes Wednesday when Barbara Hanna will return to the stand.