Meet Robert Samuel Farquharson, 22 Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering Technology


Young Student Graduates from COB!

College of The Bahamas Spring 2016 Graduate – Mr. Robert Samuel Farquharson, Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering Technology
College of The Bahamas Spring 2016 Graduate – Mr. Robert Samuel Farquharson, Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering Technology

Nassau, BAHAMAS – Occasionally you meet an individual, who, despite apparent obstacles in his or her life rises above the odds, defies society’s statistics and becomes a stellar example to others around them. Meet Robert Farquharson a Spring 2016 Bachelor of Science graduand of The College of The Bahamas (COB) with a concentration in Electrical Engineering Technology. Farquharson’s family structure is not typical, as he lives without his parents. Pushing past the stigmas, he soared academically at The College, achieving a 3.70 grade point average in his very first semester, which he regards as the most defining moment in his college career. Farquharson has never looked back, maintaining excellent performance throughout his programme.

Farquharson received his high school diploma from St. Andrew’s School and initially studied at the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute, where he received a diploma in Electrical Installation and Computer Repair in 2012. It was then that he began his time at The College of The Bahamas.

While at the Oakes Field Campus, Farquharson displayed traits of a well-rounded student, with his exemplary academic performance and participation in the National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE) and Four Walls Down (4WD) a Christian organization which he is grateful for and calls the organization “family”.

Farquharson credits The College for learning the value of self-advocacy, persistence and an atmosphere that creates student-teacher interaction along with educational support.

What do you intend to do professionally, post COB?

I intend to work within the technical/engineering field while pursuing a graduate degree in Project Management and a diploma in Adult & Workforce Education & Training. 

Which lecturer/professor impacted you the most?

Dr. Kenneth Cartwright and Mr. Philip Armbrister, both electrical engineering technology professors, have left an imprint on my life that I am forever grateful for. 

What is one thing you wouldn’t change about COB?

One thing I would not change about COB is the small class sizes because this allows for more teacher-student interaction and educational support, which is a benefit for many students. 

What piece of advice would you give to anyone considering COB for college education?

I would tell them there are many opportunities at the college to take full advantage of and to stay FOCUSED, not only on class work but also knowing your programme and what is being offered and at what times.

What is one course that changed the way you thought?

One course that definitely changed my thinking would be Psychology 440- Group Dynamics. This course completely changed my outlook on people and helped me to understand a great deal about groups and what determines the success and failure of them.

How ready do you feel for life after college?

I am both excited and afraid for life after college. For full time students, school is safe as it gives you something to do and provides the opportunity to socialize with persons who share a common interest as you. However, when you graduate you are now to choose what path you want your life to take along with the different people you will meet and that can be both scary and exciting.

What life lessons did you learn in your time at COB?

I learned a lot about meeting deadlines and responsibility during my tenure at The College. I also learned that even if you do not have experience in something but you show a willingness and eagerness to learn, someone would teach you.

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